Taylor Haynes is the Real Deal

By Mike Johnson
Editor, EverythingCody.com

I watched Taylor Haynes speak last night and have never been so inspired by a political candidate in my life. Taylor Haynes will stop the unlawful federal insanity by enforcing the US Constitution within Wyoming borders. Upon election he will work with the Wyoming legislature to nullify all unconstitutional actions of the federal government against sovereign Wyoming citizens. This means:

No Obamacare
No more fed control of wolves
No more fed control of Yellowstone National Park
No more concealed weapon permits required to carry guns
No more property taxes
No more EPA, Departments of Energy, Education, Commerce and other unconstitutional departments regulating our activities
No more sending our National Guard troops to undeclared wars
No cap & trade or idiotic carbon sequestration

Taylor will order Wyoming to take possession of all lands claimed by the feds and keep the $9 billion we send to Washington DC each year. Since we only receive $1.5 billion, we are ahead $7.5 billion a year. This means no more property taxes, restoring REAL property rights. Every Wyoming resident who gets a federal check will start getting it from the state instead.

With Taylor's leadership, Wyoming will immediately become the richest and freest state in the union. We will become an inspiration to the other states who cower under the unconstitutional (unlawful) actions of the federal government.

Taylor is articulate, experienced, knowledgable, funny and sincere. He understands the constitution like no other candidate and will enforce it like no other candidate ever has. He is an engineer, a medical doctor, a rancher, runs a business that administers healthcare plans for 190 companies and is a trustee for UW (Chairman of finance committee) in charge of vetting their $500M annual budget.

Taylor only entered the race for governor as an independent after he saw the most conservative GOP candidates lose in the primary due to a 4-way split of the GOP vote. This leaves him a big challenge because his name is not on the ballot so he needs write-in votes to win.

People who voted for Rita Meyer and Ron Micheli now have a very conservative choice. People who are tired of the same old talk-loudly-but-do-nothing-to-change-the-status-quo politicians now have a clear alternative. Those angry at the federal government now have a constructive outlet.

To those who think a write-in candidate has no chance:

Rita Meyer and Ron Micheli were both more conservative than Matt Mead. Meyer and Micheli garnered a combined 57,235 votes vs Matt Meads’ 30,308 votes. Clearly, the majority want a very conservative candidate.

People should vote for what they believe -- not who they guess will win. If you think the federal government has gotten totally out of control, your vote should go to Taylor Haynes. He will immediately nullify all unlawful federal actions within Wyoming borders. No other candidate will do that. When you vote for a pro-constitution candidate you are showing there is a demand for those ideas. The more votes for pro-constitution Taylor Haynes, the more other candidates will notice and better adhere to the constitution. There are already enough Meyer/Micheli voters to create a landslide victory to Taylor Haynes. Just write his name in and you shut down all federal government abuses in Wyoming.

Matt Mead spent $1,393,245, almost as much as the other 3 GOP candidates combined ($1,657,458). Of Mead’s total, $1.2 million was his own money. Despite this, he only beat Rita Meyer by 703 votes and Ron Micheli by 2,678 votes (Mead 30,308, Meyer 29,605, Micheli 27,630). Can independent, self-sufficient Wyoming citizens really be bought for $1.2 million? Mead has only created the illusion that he will win because he has spent $1.2 million of his own money. Yet he LOST BADLY to the more conservative Meyer/Micheli coalition 57,235 to 30,308. Taylor Haynes is even MORE conservative than Meyer/Micheli. This implies that not only can Taylor Haynes win, he can win in a landslide. He just needs Meyer/Micheli voters to write him in.

Are you angry at the overreaching federal government? Here’s your chance to do something about it! Taylor Haynes will STOP THE FEDS at Wyoming borders.

Do yourself the favor of visiting Taylor’s website at HaynesForGovernor.com and read his materials, watch his videos and listen to his audio interviews. You too, will see he is the real deal – the straight-talking, courageous and bold leader Wyoming needs during these dangerous times. As the federal government and its insolvent money system slowly collapse our situation will get increasingly desperate. Chatter is high from dozens of sources predicting higher taxes, massive inflation, reduced social security, a government takeover of 401(k)s and IRAs and a total collapse of the entire US financial system. Taylor Haynes can protect Wyoming from these calamities.

Help yourself, help your family and help us all by writing in TAYLOR HAYNES for Governor of Wyoming.