Two Weeks

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By Mike Johnson

I’ve been expecting the financial system to collapse since 2008.
Ever since, I’ve monitored doomers who predicted one calamity after another to occur in about two weeks. Or a month. Or 90 days.
I was guilty of focusing on these predictions too. Most never occurred.

Yet the trajectory of decline and decay marches on, our money buying less and our news cycles more dangerous and deprived.

Doomers weren’t wrong. They were just early.

What they feared the most was not being prepared for a sudden collapse of society. Better to be years early than a minute too late.

Back in 2008, mainstream media refused to cover the dire trends. Today, they lead their newscasts with them.

So the progression from “normal” to end-times has been consistent and accelerating. I’ve learned it takes a long time to turn an aircraft carrier.

At least we were given plenty of notice. Nobody can say they weren’t warned.

Only the most unaware or the most spiritually advanced haven’t detected the trend.

What a crazy world. It’s created by God but its human systems are run by the devil. It manifests the most heinous crimes and the most soul-stirring beauty.

The range of possible realities is infinite.

As individuals, I believe we have the power to select our reality.

Our selector is our focus.

People survived the Great Depression. Survived the front lines of war. Survived the Holocaust.

Was it luck, or was it something invisible, deep inside?

Whatever we focus upon expands. Whatever we ignore shrinks.
How we use that power determines the quality of our life.

Focusing inside just might reveal stunning life & death powers we never realized we had. Powers far more valuable than any physical powers.

We were made in God’s image. Might that include some of God’s powers?

“My Father and I are one.”

“The kingdom of heaven is within.”

“All these things and greater, you can do too.”

Perhaps we SHOULD ignore the doomers and focus inward for a spell. Just long enough to break our doom-following habit to give a higher reality a chance.

Perhaps two weeks?


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