By Mike Johnson
January 25, 2025

Good morning. Thank you for attending.

Take everything I own, but leave the alphabet, and you just gave it all back.
Words are the building blocks of everything.

Even God agrees.
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” (John 1:1)
The Lord Almighty created this entire world with words.

Everything follows the use of written and spoken words.

Good writing pours letters through the colander of wisdom until there’s enough spaghetti to make a meal.

Good speaking punctuates sentences with passion and emotion until they manifest the desired result.

In the "write" hands, the alphabet can even transform letters into numbers.
Numbers in a bank account.

Or, if your goal is attracting cooperation, the three most impactful letters are I. C. U.
Arrange your words to prove this and you’ll quickly become the favorite seatmate, workmate or soulmate.

Words are the raw material that 3D prints our worlds.

Words are more valuable than currency because you create them from thin air.
Sorta like this:

Print Your Nation's Money Audio Clip

I pulled those words out of thin air for the Cody Rotary Show.
I added voice actors and some radio station audio expertise to hop up the parody.

The obvious goal was entertainment.
The unstated goal was sarcasm, ridicule and education.
A protest.
When government counterfeits our currency, it steals value from the dollars we already own.
This is not OK. Theft is NOT OK.
More of anything dilutes its value.

Even words.

This is why I write very concise.
Like currency, the less in circulation, the more value each word holds.

Each word also says more when you add it to something else.
Like I did with my little audio parody.
I added actors, humor, information and sound.
Together, the parts multiplied the power of the words.

Even though many of you are writers, it’s unlikely you fully appreciate the massive power of the words in your toolbox.
I’ve been at this for decades and I’m still getting my arms around it. It’s crazy!

With words, you create value out of thin air.

Let there be a story, and BOOM! There’s a new book in the world.
Let there be a trolley tour, and BOOM! There’s a new business in town.
Let there be a business loan and BOOM! You own a passive income stream that allows early retirement.

Words can convert you from consumer to CONTRIBUTOR.
Life is much richer and fulfilling as a contributor.
Most writers here today are book authors. You’re contributors, creators.

I’ve written a book and three booklets.
For me, books are too damn much work for the return.
Thanks to technology shortening attention spans, I think fewer people read them.
But thanks to technology, more people can more easily write them.
So the book supply is growing. While the numbers of book readers are shrinking.

Perhaps the next parody I’ll write is “Print Your Nation’s Literature!”

Today, I’m fully retired, free from any schedule, live on passive income and only write for pleasure.
I only write letters, columns, articles and blog posts.
I consider each of them one-page books.
I told you I value concise.
I’ve published more than a thousand on my free website.

My goal has been to digitally capture my best thoughts, ideas, experiences and learnings so I can leave behind the best contents of my brain.
Some people might call this a memoir.
I call it a template.
A template others can follow if they desire some of the same things I’ve achieved.

Because long ago, I realized that the fastest way to achieve anything is to study people who have already achieved what you desire.

But let’s step back to using words to create measurable, financial value instantly, out of thin air.

The mind is a funny thing.
I was recalling a quirky event at the Minnesota State Fair. I’d attended in August with some childhood buddies.
We were chatting on a bench when a precocious little girl approached me holding two flowers. A bashful mother stood ten feet away, holding a bouquet, watching her daughter make the pitch.

“Would you like to buy a flower, mister?”
It was impossible not to smile. “They sure are pretty,” I said. “How much?”
“Ten dollars.”
This was way too much but the kid was cute and I had the cash.

Then she revealed her sales skill far exceeded her age. “Both of them?” she lit up, making direct eye contact.
Shocked at her fearlessness, I was putty in her hands.
“Sure,” I chuckled as I handed her a twenty dollar bill.
Mom rewarded me with a shy smile and mouthed a silent thank-you.
Off they went to sell the rest. This duo was unstoppable.

Despite being fleeced out of twenty bucks, I was feeling good about helping the kid.
A few minutes later, I’m talking to my buddy, two unwanted flowers in my hand, when a borderline bag lady interrupts.
Her big eyes were aged, slightly crazed, as she walks directly to me.
“Those sure are pretty flowers.”
“They are, aren’t they?” I say, sizing up the weirdness.
“I wish I had flowers like those.”
“Would you like to have them?”
“Oh, I sure would!”
Her face lights up as I hand them over.
“Thank you, thank you!”
Off she walks, crazily focused on nothing but the flowers.

I’m feeling pretty good about that exchange too. It takes so little to delight someone who could use some joy.
My twenty bucks lit up three people and made me feel good twice. Plus I got rid of flowers I didn’t want to carry anyway.

I was relaxing into that warm, 5-month-old memory when my mind tossed out a surprise.
And made a connection I’d never seen coming.

Those three people were working together! I bet the bag lady was the grandmother, the mom was her daughter and the kid was the grandchild.
They walked the fairgrounds using that kid to sell the overpriced flowers. Bag lady grandma followed a few minutes behind to collect them to be sold again.

I bet this trio was pulling in hundreds or thousands reselling that same bouquet of flowers! The return on investment must’ve been a thousand to one.
What a beautiful con! It was so perfect because even now, I’m glad I participated.
The two pleasant exchanges, plus the delayed realization of their script, gall, acting and costuming, were worth every penny of those twenty bucks.
You gotta appreciate talent when you see it.
And you have to appreciate the human mind that still makes new connections months after old events.

I love that true story because it’s such a great example of instantly turning words into cash.
They wrote a little 3-person play, performed it during the 12-day run of the state fair, earning as much money as they had energy to perform.
They started with nothing and turned it into fun, family and finance. It’s now one of my favorite fables.

The lesson here is that this trio connected their words to a system.

Linda Rae Sande says in her class description today, that writers now have to be entrepreneurs.
She’s written 56 books and she realizes that to harvest the most, you have do more than just write.
You have to master creating value with letters AND numbers.

In fact, you have to be a Numberjack.

Like an axe cuts a single tree, a chainsaw cuts an entire forest.
If you’re a writer, the words you write are an axe.
But connect those words to a system, and now you’ve created a chainsaw.

For example, I used my words to start a community newspaper with zero money.
We had no money so we dreamed up an advertising package that sold a full page ad in each issue for a year.
We placed its arbitrary value at $4,000 but offered the package for $1,000 if the business paid cash, right now.
We used a copy machine to make a mock up and I used my words and passion to sell the package.

I sold eight of those packages and used the money to buy the computer and publishing equipment needed.
Now we had a money-making system.

We started it as a newsletter and expanded to a full tabloid.
Picture each issue as a log truck with a number of spaces.
By selling an ad, we filled another space on the truck.
When all the spaces were full, we’d greatly increased the harvest from the value of the words I wrote for each issue.

I did the same with the trolley tour company that we started with just $2,000.
The words I wrote for the 60-minute tour had axe-amount of value.
According to my banker, the words I wrote for the trolley business plan were the best he’d ever seen, so he gave us the loan.
The words I wrote for the trolley’s advertising packages earned $12,000 in ad sales before we’d even gotten the trolley.
Since the trolley was our stage and auditorium, each tour ticket sold, greatly multiplied the harvest from the value of my original tour words.
The trolley business turned a tour script that I'd written once, into a perpetual money-making system.

I increased this concept significantly with trailer parks.
I wrote the pitch letter to the banker and seller that earned their agreement to sell the 32-unit park at a discount, with only $1,000 down.
Those words gained me a much-more-passive money-making system.
Every lot or trailer home I filled with renters, added more income harvest.
Every small, annual rent increase letter, was multiplied by my number of units, increasing the monthly harvest, while also increasing the value of the park by a factor of ten times the increase.

The words you write, or the work you personally perform, are an axe.
You move through life harvesting one tree at a time.
But connect those words or work to a money-making system, and you've created a chainsaw.

To harvest an entire forest, instead of a single tree, connect your words and work to a money-making system.

Let’s talk a bit more about the trolley tour business that Margie & I created.

Opportunity is everywhere if you have the eyes to see.
But every nugget of opportunity has a corresponding mother lode if you just dig a little deeper.
Most people just happily harvest the nuggets lying on the surface, never realizing how close they came to bigger riches.

Thirty years ago, when I landed a big, recurring freelance writing client, my family could live anywhere in the world.
We chose Cody, Wyoming due to its beauty, low taxes, old-west culture and its proximity to Yellowstone National Park.
Thanks to Buffalo Bill Cody as our founder, this place is loaded with history that interests people all over the world.

Now, as a writer, all this history presented an obvious opportunity.
I could’ve written an article and sold it for a few hundred dollars.
I could’ve dug a little deeper and written a book that might have earned a few thousand dollars.
I could’ve dug deeper still and written a historical tourist guide, filled it with paid advertising and distributed it to visitors and earned about $20,000.

But this opportunity felt like something bigger.
All these valuable opportunities near the surface just convinced me that if I mined the idea deeper, there was a mother lode waiting to be discovered.

We knew that 500,000 tourists travel through Cody each summer on their way to Yellowstone.
These people are even more interested in our western history than us.
The Buffalo Bill Center of the West does a great job of presenting history inside, attracting 200,000 customers each summer.
But nobody was presenting Buffalo Bill’s history outside, throughout the community he built.

Pay Dirt!

So instead of writing an article, a book, or a tourist guide, I wrote a 60-minute city tour that was delivered by two western guides on a motorized trolley that traveled a 24-mile route throughout Cody.

My wife and I purchased a used trolley, started the business and performed that tour to 38 people per trip, four trips a day, for 120 days each summer at $20 per seat.
Over nine summers, we earned more than a million dollars profit and then sold that business for $300,000. It still operates today.

All we did was mine an obvious opportunity a bit deeper than most people were willing to dig.
Cody had operated 105 years without a city tour until ours started in 2001.
Over all those decades, many other writers had harvested the obvious nuggets of articles, books and tourist guides.
But nobody had realized these nuggets were clues pointing to a buried mother lode.

When you’re the only one to recognize a bigger treasure exists, you have a tremendous advantage over every other miner.
And when you harvest that mother lode, it makes all those nuggets on the surface seem small.
All you have to do is expand your vision as you gaze upon opportunity.

What opportunities are you currently mining?
Might they have larger veins of income if you just dig a little deeper?
Is there a mother lode buried just below your current income stream?

In our case, I wrote a single script once, attached it to a system, and sold a performance of that same script to 10,000 different people every summer for nine summers.
The current trolley tour owners are STILL using that script.

We also wrote a historical guide book that is half content, half advertising.
We gave it free to trolley passengers as a value-added gift.
We republished it every two years, which means we harvested new ad money every two years.
The current trolley owners still publish this book and still use our content.

Two powerful questions convert words into money.

“What’s missing?” and “How can I profitably provide that?”

In 2003, our trolley tour business operated from the porch of the Irma Hotel.

Six nights a week, the hotel sponsored a gunfight in front of the hotel.
It attracted over 300 people per night.
The show was free but seating was limited to a few picnic tables and the curb.
Most people had to stand for the 40-minute show. Operating on the porch as we did, we had a close look at customer discomfort.
Many times, we’d bring a few chairs out of the hotel for elderly viewers.

The show had been operating over 50 years without adequate seating, yet no one had done anything about it.
The more I watched each show, the more convinced I was that opportunity was screaming into the night.

So I ordered a dozen folding chairs.
As I unpacked them from the back of my car, one of my employees asked what I planned to do with them.
I said "I’m going to rent them for $1 each to people who don’t want to stand for 40 minutes.”
He looked me dead in the eye and said, “That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.”

Nevertheless, I continued unloading chairs.
As I was pulling the 6th chair from the car, a couple came over and asked how they could get a chair.
I told them the show was free and they could sit anywhere on the curb, or they could rent a chair for $1 and have a front row seat.
They immediately handed over $2. That’s all it took. A crowd of chair-renters gathered and they were actually angry when we ran out within seconds.

The owner of the neighboring motorcycle rental business was watching.
He walked up to me with an astonished look on his face, slapped his forehead and yelled, “Chairs! Of course! Brilliant!”

A few days later, I was unloading my 48th chair into a crowd desperately thrusting money at me.
My employee sheepishly walked over and acknowledged he'd been wrong, the idea was clearly a winner.

I shared the rental success story with the hotel and made a deal.
I’d buy the chairs, set them up before each show, rent them and take them down.
We’d subtract expenses and then split the profit with the hotel. They agreed.

We soon were renting 175 chairs per night at $1 each for 100 nights a summer.
Rentals brought in $17,500 for 6 years, generating a total of $105,000.
Just by renting folding chairs at a free show.

Even better, when we sold the trolley business and chair concession in 2009, we convinced the buyer and the hotel to increase the price to $2 a chair.
Then they were generating about $35,000 per summer.
The hotel and new trolley owner doubled their money and customers were still happy to rent those chairs.
Everybody wins.
Now they’re charging $3 per chair.

Do the math, those rental chairs have generated over $500,000 since 2003.
Of course there were expenses – we quickly hired kids to handle the set-up, rental transactions and take down – and the chairs themselves wore out and had to be replaced every couple years.
So all that income wasn’t profit.
But the kids we hired and the chair maker benefited from the idea too.

Over 50 years, tens of thousands of people saw the same seating problem we did.
We just looked at the problem through customer service eyes and asked two critical questions: 1) “What’s missing?” and 2) “How can we profitably provide that?”

If a simple folding chair can generate over half a million dollars, imagine what opportunities are staring you in the face right now.

Margie has taken this concept to a whole other level.

She noticed that the chamber visitor center signage was not attractive enough to pull people off the highway.
During summer, thanks to Yellowstone, that road through Cody is a river of money flowing right through downtown.

Back then, statistics showed Cody visitors spent $100 per person, per day.
If people stopped at the chamber and learned all the great things Cody offered, a large percentage would change their plans and spend the night.
The more people we got into that chamber building, the more money Cody businesses would harvest.

So Margie assembled words and numbers and vendors and people to develop a plan to create spectacular new signage for the chamber, and new direction signs TO the chamber visitor center, at all five entrances in town.
Then she used words to raise the $90,000 needed.

As soon as the signs went up visitation skyrocketed.
The chamber went from 30,000 visitors a summer to over 75,000.
This was a 275% increase.
This increased tourism spending in Cody by more than 5 million dollars every summer.

Margie’s words manifested money for local business, taxes for local government, better facilities for local residents, a deeper experience for visitors, and a big boost to Cody’s national reputation and publicity.
This has been happening for over a decade!
That's over $50 million dollars!

All of that new money and all those new benefits, occurred due to words Margie had created out of thin air.
An idea, using words, turned into abundant reality.
Now are you starting to see the power of words?

But where do you get ideas?

I’m the mayor of 4am.
I took the position in 1968.
I was only 11 but nobody else wanted it.
I found this amazing.

During the best few hours of the day, everyone abandoned the world and left me in charge.
For the small price of delivering 45 newspapers, the world was mine.
All of it.

No cars on the road.
No people on the sidewalks.
No humans breathing the air.
Street lights burned just for me.

There was no competition for anything.
I’d stumbled into a parallel universe where the infrastructure remained but the people did not.

As an introvert, this was heaven.
As a competitor, I realized 4am was the greatest advantage in world history.

Every single day, for the past 55 years, I’ve had a two-hour head-start on every other person on the planet.
To think. To imagine. To dream. To research. To contemplate. To plan. To start.

The newspaper route is long gone.
But the cumulative advantage of thousands of 4ams has created a huge gap between me and the mass of later sleepers.

People still haven’t figured it out.
So I’m still the mayor of 4am.
I’ll always be the mayor.

There is no competition for anything when you start two hours before everyone else.

So solitude first.

Now consider tweaking how you think during daylight hours. Reject the Obvious.

Life keeps baiting you to look here.
But the best action is over there.

It's so easy to see what others don't.
Just reject the first thought that comes to mind and demand a second or third.
This puts you two or three steps ahead of everyone else.

This works with humor.
It works with opportunity.
It works with writing.

You have no competition because you've already trained yourself to "sea" one or two monsterous thoughts beyond their focus.

Beyond the obvious, lies the fun, the opportunity, the deeper truth, the creative and the magic.

Reject the obvious.

OK you writers, with just 30 seconds, how would you use an economy of words to advertise a website on the radio in a memorable way?

Here’s how I did it for my website

Clever 30-second Audio clip

Here’s the same 30 second challenge with a trolley tour ad.

Clever 30-second Audio clip

So reject the obvious.
Start your day in solitude.

I know arising early is tough. You have to go to bed an hour earlier.
You have to give up some things to gain what you want more.

When I was chained to work schedules in corporate, Saturday at 4am was my favorite time of the week.
I loved it so much, I wanted EVERY day to be Saturday.
Here’s how I made that real.

Just consider investing your time like you invest your money.
A single Saturday is worth seven Mondays.
On Saturday, you’re free to work on your own dreams rather than others’ dreams.
Will you waste all that freedom decompressing from another work week?
Or will you invest a little freedom researching & implementing ways to turn EVERY day into Saturday?

Escape from the rat race IS possible.

But only if you create & advance your escape plan day by day.

If your Saturdays are already filled with rest, family & catch-up activities, there is still a way to wake up to “Saturday” every day.
Just arise an hour early & give that first hour to you & your dreams.

By arising early, you get to climb into Saturday's comfy blue jeans & moccasins.
Pour a delicious warm beverage.
Snuggle deep into your corner chair in a darkened, lamp-lit room.
Now read, meditate, relax, walk, dream, create or work your escape plan.
Capture the most inspired thoughts and ideas on paper.

Now you start each day from a place of peace & joy & creation rather than gloom, stress & frantic activity.
You've rigged the game to make progress EVERY day.

Small actions, multiplied by time, lead to uncommon destinations.
Give the first hour of the day to YOU. Eat dessert first.

Now every day starts as Saturday.

But back to authors sitting right here.
What do you want? What is your dream?
Remember, reject the obvious. Think bigger. Bolder. Wilder.

You can directly purchase this dream because you have an unlimited supply of words burning a hole in your pocket.
If you run out, you just create more out of thin air.
Because there is no limit to your words, there is no limit to your manifestations.

A good place to start is to write about what you already know.
Make a list of all your skills, talents and interests.
Think of hobbies, life experience and work experience.

Twenty-five years ago, in my best freelance groove, I was earning $50,000 a year (Over $100K in today’s money) for writing several titles for a business newsletter publisher.
I was punching out an 8-page issue once a week for six years, working just 20 hours per week.

On my own schedule.
In my own costume.
From home.
Everything was by phone or mail.

I got the gig because the company was launching a new customer service newsletter and I had become famous for providing great customer service while running a McDonald’s in Ft Myers, Florida.
I used my words to sell my knowledge and ability in a pitch letter and I got the gig.

Over six years, that company had me write four different newsletters, paying me over $300,000.
They even hired me to write a book for them that they used as a giveaway for new subscriptions.
That experience landed me other reoccurring freelance gigs at other companies and magazines and an ad agency.

If you’re a freelancer, you quickly learn that prospecting for one-off clients doesn’t provide dependable income.
Plus, you’re not paid anything while wrangling and romancing new clients.
So you want to land clients that have regular, reoccurring work.
Now you gain the benefits of steady income AND the freedom of freelancing.

I also gained all the knowledge from writing those newsletters.
I interviewed executives at 157 companies that provided the world’s best customer service.
I boiled down their best advice into this 16-page booklet, “101 Ways to Provide Exceptional Customer Service Today”

I’m giving this booklet away all day today and it is also posted digitally for free on my website.

The downside of writing for others is that you need their approval to get published and make money.
I like to have more control so I started to self-publish, like I did with the customer service booklet.

Here is a booklet I wrote for my trailer park tenants when they came up short on rent, "43 Ways to Earn Cash Today, 44 Ways to Earn Cash Tomorrow"

As a landlord, you hear all the sad stories of hours cut, job loss, medical expenses, car repairs, etc.
I wanted to get my rents of course, but my heart broke from all these stories.
“What was missing” was a long list of ways these people could earn money immediately outside their job.
So I researched and wrote the booklet and gave it away for free.

It works for everyone. People can read my words and manifest cash virtually immediately.
Words are so powerful you can even use other people’s words to manifest cash for YOU! It’s crazy!
I’m giving this booklet away all day today and it is also posted for free on my website.

There is another important point to make about words and your quest to write your best life.
You have to escape the worry of what others think and embrace the audacity that what YOU think has more value.

This is much harder than it appears.
Peer pressure, poor education, and society’s pressure to remain humble, lock us into a very small bandwidth of knowledge and possibility.
You can call this “conventional wisdom.”
It’s conventional alright, but it’s certainly not wisdom.

Author John Gatto wrote a very powerful line:
“You either write your own script or become an actor in somebody else’s script.”

In his book “Weapons of Mass Instruction,” he makes the point that the public school system was created by elites to smother creativity, invention and individual sovereignty, so they’d punch out employees and soldiers.
Employees and soldiers who respect experts, authority and who are groomed to turn their bodies and minds over to others for 8 primetime daylight hours.

Public school purposely turns out actors for somebody else’s script.
It takes a big event to question authority, rebel against the system, leave the herd, and write your own script.
It happened to me at 6 years old when insiders murdered President Kennedy.

By age 12, I’d read Mark Lane’s “Rush to Judgment.”
This was the first popular book that challenged the official narrative of Kennedy’s murder.
I was immediately hooked and started a lifelong quest to solve the crime.

I’ve invested over 10,000 hours of research and have solved the murder to my satisfaction.
I’ll be happy to talk about it – and any other rabbit hole -- while I man my author booth this afternoon from 1 to 5.

Anyway, by the time I was a teenager, I’d learned the official narrative was a massive lie.
I was amazed to watch people in suits, on national television, look very confident and authoritative, while speaking total and complete nonsense.
If they can boldly lie about the murder of a president – and get away with it – imagine what other big things they’re lying about.
I’ve been a contrarian ever since.

This means that I don’t trust authority, don’t trust the masses, don’t trust my public education and certainly don’t trust conventional wisdom.
I’ve learned that his world is NOT as it’s publicly presented.
If it’s an important topic to me, I do my own non-mainstream research and become my own expert.

Two paths diverged in the wood and I took the one less traveled.
It’s made all the difference.

Until you summon the courage and audacity to realize you see things that others do not, you won’t blaze your own trail using your unique talent gifted by God.

Thirty five years ago, I started selling my talent with words.
Thirty years ago, a powerful parable magically flowed through my mind and fingers. It made a permanent imprint.
Let’s see if it does the same to you.

Are You Using Your Talent?

The holy man had finally reached his limit.
After 65 years of selfless, saintly service to others, he could no longer ignore his own dire condition.
He was penniless. He was lonely. He had cancer.

Because of the holidays, he was especially despondent.
The faith he'd faithfully exhibited for six and a half decades finally gave way.
Arms reaching skyward, fists shaking toward the heavens, he screamed his grievances to the Lord.

Immediately, a lightning bolt incinerated him on the spot.
Never feeling a thing, the man awakened in the presence of God.

"You were extremely committed to serving others," said God to the man.

"Then why did you make me penniless?" asked the man.

"I share your frustration, my son. But I sent a soul to Earth with the idea for a great invention. An invention so grand it would've raised a billion dollars to support you both lavishly."

"I never met this person," said the man.

"Oh, but you did. He became a shoe salesman instead."

"So what about the loneliness?" lamented the man.

"I sympathize with you my son. But I sent a beautiful soul in your direction with the talent to make you the happiest couple on earth."

"I never met her," said the man.

"Oh, but you did," said God. "She settled for a miserable marriage to the shoe salesman instead."

"OK, what about the sickness, Lord? Why the cancer?"

"I sent a hundred souls in your direction with the ability to discover a cure for the disease. But they all became accountants, or shipping clerks or tree surgeons instead.
Not one soul in the bunch was inspired enough to follow the talents I'd placed in them. I share your frustration."

"But why the lightning bolt, Lord? Why'd you yank me home so abruptly after I'd dedicated my entire life to the service of others?"

"Because the talent I placed in you my son, was not service, but inspiration.
Had you used that talent, the souls I sent, would've been able to use theirs."


Are you using your talent?

Do you see how important it is?
The rest of us are counting on you.

So here I am today. No job, no work schedule, no debt, no responsibilities.
Just the way I dreamed it.
Just the way I wrote it.

Margie & I had developed a formula with trailer parks.
We could’ve kept buying as many as we liked.
But we quit after three, because we had reached “Enough.”

Many people can't do that. They never get "enough."

We sold one park to strangers and two to our kids.
Now we’re totally free.
So now I’m focusing on legacy.

Hence the posting of 1,000 free articles on my website. I want my best advice to out-live me.

25 years ago, I bought the domain name “”
I’ve been trying to live up to that name ever since.

Today I’m using words to create inspirational ripples across the pond of humanity.
Perhaps you’re witnessing one of the early stones to make a big splash. Time will tell.

Let me leave you with this.

Writing can do much more than entertain.
It can inform.

It can manifest anything you imagine.
Most writers never dip more than a thimble from this ocean of power.

Words on a page pale in comparison to words on your life.
Rather than begging an editor or publisher to approve the distribution of your divine imagination, you can stamp it deeply into the very fabric of reality yourself.

Self-publishers know this.
Contrarians know this.
Entrepreneurs know this.
The enlightened know this.

You were created by God himself.
Given a body and a mind and a soul free and clear.
In God's own image.
Given dominion over earth.
Ordered by God himself to go forth and multiply.

Just what are you multiplying?

As a writer (or a human), you have the authority to research anything, interview anyone and become an expert on anything.
You can then assemble your words to create value for others that can manifest anything you desire, right out of thin air.

Fully-engaged writers use their words to manifest adventurous, fascinating, abundant, inspiring lives and then use their writing skills to share how they made it happen.
Now your work is more than art.
It’s a template for others to follow, who desire what you’ve achieved.
A valuable template that far outlives you.

Value-laden writing creates its own eternal life.

You can write for fun.
To entertain.
To clarify your own thoughts and aspirations.

You can write for money.
Directly for hire, or to attract and manifest all the components of a successful, profitable new company.

You can write to discover your soul.
To attract your soulmate.
To build your relationship with God.

Or you can apply your research and writing skills for others.
Write to stop sickness, addiction, mental illness, ignorance.
You can write to stop human trafficking, tyranny, war.
You can write to raise billions for any worthy cause.

We’re ALL authors.

The question is, authors of WHAT?

Look at this blessed, vast ocean of opportunity you’ve been gifted.
Now look at the thimble you’ve been dipping with.

Can you summon the courage to upgrade to a Dixie cup?
A 55-gallon drum?
An oil tanker?

When I stand in front of my creator, giving an account of what I did to multiply the talents he loaned me, I want to share a worthy story.
Like all stories, mine will be constructed with words.
The same words that I've used to construct my writing, and construct my life.
The same words that you're using today.

Are you writing timid, safe and small?

Snap out of it!

You're an AUTHOR.
GOD's author.

Write like you MEAN it.
Write like you KNOW it.
Write like you ARE it.

Write your BEST life.



I’ll be reading some more inspirational work right here at 2:10 pm.
I’ll also be manning a table giving away booklets from 1-5pm.
I’m happy to chat and help you brainstorm any writing or business ideas.
And of course, talk about any rabbit holes like JFK.
This world is NOT as publicly presented!


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