
Photo by author at home in Wapiti

By Mike Johnson

Wyoming's 2024 population is 587,618.
340 million people live in the United States.
So Wyoming holds less than one fifth of one percent, of the US population.

Said another way, for every 1,000 Americans, just two live in Wyoming.

Of these two, I’m going to estimate one was born here and one moved here.

Of the ones who moved here, I’m going to estimate half chose to come here, and half came due to necessity (children of adults, work transfers, etc).

This means that out of every 2,000 US citizens, only one CHOSE to purposely move to Wyoming.

This tiny ratio sounds about right for every aspect of humanity.

Very few people proactively CHOOSE the largest swaths of their life.
Where they live.
Where they work.
What they do to earn income.

We tend to grow where we’re planted but rarely select the garden.
Once mature, it’s difficult to pull up our roots and start over somewhere else.

For me, Wyoming became a dream after I visited on vacation at 10 years old.
It was imprinted deeply during a Bighorn Mountain backpacking trip at age 15.
But my roots were already planted in Minnesota dirt.
Then dad moved us to Florida when I was 17.
I re-rooted there.
Grew a family and career.
Years pass.

But the Wyoming dream never dimmed.
At age 34, I introduced my family to Wyoming during an RV vacation through Cody and Yellowstone.
I convinced them to uproot and move to Cody when I was 39.

Who doesn’t want spectacular natural beauty?
Magnificent big game animals?
Proximity to Yellowstone?
The least population of people?
Low taxes, conservative values, no crime and wide-open spaces?

The people who share these values are my tribe.

It’s a very small percentage of America’s population, but a very high percentage right here in Wyoming.

Wyomingites are greatly blessed.
I think most of us know that.
Especially when we visit out-of-state big cities.

The next time you’re in Minneapolis, or Tampa, or Denver, look around.
Look at the situations the people there accept.
Now do the math.
You’re one in a thousand.
Or one in 2,000.

You’re one of the very few who wisely arrange your life to live in WYOMING.


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