Ass Umptions

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By Mike Johnson

Assumption allows us to function in the world without losing ourselves in the fog of vetting every detail of existence.

We assume the car will start, without worrying about the complex details of fuel, spark and airflow.
We assume the air we breathe is safe despite the thousands of variables adding and subtracting from it as we move from location to location.
We assume we’ll return home to our families each night, despite just missing hundreds of cars by a few feet traveling head-on at 65 miles per hour.

The last one is especially risky because we assume the other drivers aren’t texting, drunk, distracted, drowsy, or suicidal.
Or dunces.

Perhaps our most dangerous assumption is that other people know what we know.
Many of them don’t.
Not even close.

It’s scary how ignorant some people actually are.

It’s also entertaining in a train wreck, “I can’t look away” sort of way.

Just search for a few of those “man-on-the-street-asking-questions” videos.

Watch a few minutes of this one: How Smart Are College Students?

Or this one featuring Jay Leno: What People Know About the Virtual World vs the Real World

Or this one with Mark Dice: Would Gun Control Have Stopped Lee Harvey Oswald From Shooting Jesus?



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