When I was young & wanted more money, I worked hard so I’d earn a 25-cent hourly raise.
Then I learned that earning a promotion gained a much bigger raise.
Then I learned getting a bigger job in a different industry gained a larger salary.
Then I learned going out on my own as a freelancer earned more freedom and a larger income.
Then I learned that starting my own seasonal business gained more money & six months of free time.
Then I learned that creating systems in a must-be-there business & selling it, generated cash to buy passive income streams.
Then I learned that buying passive income streams earned more money & 12 months of 95% free time.
Passive income now funds my entire life. Today, when I want more money to buy a new toy or better house, I just buy a new passive income stream to pay for it first.
Over time, I learned how to stop working for money.
Today, money works for me.
That mindset has freed me from work schedules forever.
It’s an evolution. A journey. But I stumbled upon it by trial & error. Had I made the trip with intention & purpose, I’d have arrived decades sooner.
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