Eulogy on a Business Card

By Mike Johnson

Creating a business card is like writing your own eulogy. How do you want the world to perceive you?
Is it accurate? People smirk at eulogies that aren’t true.

As a remote, retired recluse, I haven’t needed a business card for years.

I recently attended a writers event. I figured it’d be easier to hand out a card than keep repeating some elevator speech. I’m not selling anything these days for money. But even when I was, I pushed myself to create more value than the expense of my fee. So to me, “selling” always felt like sharing.

So I went to the writers event to share the ultimate currency -- thoughts and ideas. I enjoy mentoring. I thought a business card would make it easier.

Like any billboard – even the world’s smallest – you have to capture attention immediately. Concisely. Memorably.

Like a well-delivered eulogy, your business card is telling a story. Unlike a eulogy, you can’t tell it all. But you can hook them to want the remaining chapters.

Create enough intrigue and they’ll visit your website to learn the rest.

Try boiling down 65 years of life experience to one business card. It was trickier than I imagined. I could’ve taken this in a hundred directions.

Due to space, each letter had to carry its weight. Each word had to say more than its letters. Each photo had to say more than the words. Of course I used both sides. The overall effect had to create enough intrigue to first, save the card, second, take action and third, show it to somebody else.

If you’d have shown me this card 50 years ago, I’d have done anything to earn each letter and photo.

“Worlds Best Writer” is subjective of course. Others will have to determine that. But somebody had to claim it. Twenty years ago, I decided that claiming that domain name was the best way to force myself to grow into it.

Today, if my only eulogy was this card set atop my ashes, I’d be happy that I lived the life that urned it.


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