By Mike Johnson
You become what you think about all day long.
So it’s wise to think about what you want, more than what you don’t want.
One way I do this is with mantras.
Dozens of times each day, I interrupt auto-pilot thoughts to silently repeat phrases that are empowering.
“I am so rich,” is my all-purpose, go-to mantra.
This covers everything – health, wealth, relationships, environment, pets, brainpower, wisdom, clarity, peace of mind and connection to God.
I supplement this phrase with others.
"Thank you God. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
“My abundance is assured.”
“God is the source. I am of God. God flows through me.”
I’ve been repeating these in my head dozens of times a day, for decades.
No need to sequester, I do this on the fly, randomly, during my daily activity.
Their frequent repetition long ago became habitual.
I see their manifestation in my life.
I'm a believer and that belief bent reality in my favor.
Why not stack the deck in your favor?
Write a few empowering mantras and bring them to life.
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