World War At Our Door

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By Mike Johnson

I monitor the far edge of the Internet to gain early warning of the biggest approaching evils.
Early warning provides the clarity to make better decisions which lead to productive actions.
All this monitoring, from all these sources, requires me to do a lot of sifting.
Some sources have better records of accuracy than others.
Experience, trendlines and God-given discernment help me choose which is closest to truth.

The devils who have overthrown our highest government positions have been trying to start World War III for years.
Their efforts have pushed us closer to annihilation than any time in our lifetimes.
They are especially desperate right now because they are losing control of the narrative and the populace.
More and more people are realizing they are devils.

One of my many sources just provided a good overview of the Ukraine-Russia situation.
We're much closer to armageddon than you realize.
It’s information you’ll never hear from the devils’ mainstream media cabal.
I share it below because it rings true from many other sources I monitor.

May God bless us all as we face the most momentous moments of our collective life on earth.

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