The Climb

Photo by Margie Johnson turned into a meme at

By Mike Johnson

At 67, I am fully qualified to lead the world.
I would make a wonderful president, benevolent dictator or Grand Poobah.
I say this because I have gained the perspective that is lacking in the unaware mass of men.
But I have no desire to rule over anyone.

This does not make me any better than you.
All men created by God are a divine piece of God himself.

This realization that all men are much more than they realize, is part of the perspective required of a strong, moral leader.

God fractaled himself into billions of pieces, making each in his own image, with shared powers.
Christ himself said as much, (with the Father) "All these things and greater, you can do too.”

Unfortunately, here on earth, only a minority of people realize who they really are.
Tragically, some men have fixated on evil so obsessively, they have lost their conscience and their awareness of God.

And some “men” are spawn of the devil or other creatures and are not human beings at all.

How do you tell the difference?
By their fruits ye shall know them.

Until you gain that perspective, you will kowtow to other men, lesser men, tyrannical men, evil men, imposter men.
Until you gain the audacity to embrace the good news that you are a divine piece of God, you will live your life like a captive cod.

If you are a human being created by God, you are worthy.
Through the grace of God, your birthright is assured.
You are here because your soul’s awareness and character and perspective require seasoning, polish and maturity.

America’s founders realized this.
Many of them were enlightened human beings.
They created a Republic, NOT a Democracy.

A Republic is run by laws that protect individual rights.
A Democracy is run by majority rule that can ignore or eliminate individual rights.

A Republic makes the individual supreme because each individual is a creation of God.
A Democracy makes the state supreme because it does not acknowledge God.

Fortunately, the truth is that we are established as a Republic.
With God-given, individual rights that cannot be taken away.

All talk of Democracy is delusion. Lies. Misinformation. Deception.
The majority holds no power over the moral, God-created individual.

This is the perspective required to gain the audacity to live the larger life you were created to experience.

All soul growth begins with The Climb.
The Climb to the realization of who you really are.

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Why the Founders Chose a Republic Over a Democracy

Why You Should Never Say "Democracy"

Why the Lies?


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