Refuse to Settle

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By Mike Johnson

A well-studied life reveals the map of its borders.
The far edges are shadows of your biggest dreams and the inner content diagrams the minimum standards you’ll tolerate.

Happiness can be still experienced without your biggest dreams.
But slip below minimum standards and life gets ugly fast.
Especially in these top five areas:


I listed these in the most important order.

Without mental and physical health, nothing else is possible.

Without adequate self-esteem, you won’t demand what you deserve.

A bad relationship is worse than no relationship at all.

Job/vocation/income determine the limits of your time and freedom.

Your home is your base and determines your environment of peace, safety, comfort and inspiration.

Reviewing this list helps you determine which changes can provide the biggest benefits for your effort.

You’re worthy of anything you imagine.
You’re capable of achieving anything you imagine.
In fact, your imagination is the magic power that makes every creation possible.

If you identify weak areas in your life, there is no obligation to settle for less.
Imagining more is the pathway that improves your lot in life.
Demanding more, is what makes sure it happens.

It’s your map.
You get to define its ceiling and basement.
You were given the power to create it all.
Now grasp the courage to own it.

Direct your nettle toward refusing to settle.


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