Build Your Own Door

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By Mike Johnson

Interior. Exterior.
Hollow. Solid.
Wood. Metal.
Panels. Plain.
Window. No window.
Open left. Open right.

Creating a workshop in our barn had us searching for doors.
Adding new, to existing old, is always stimulating.
But the process twists brains in directions they’re not used to bending.
Add a spouse to all these options and a simple door decision becomes a Teamster’s Union labor negotiation.

Somehow, we navigated to a sweet spot and placed the order.
The expensive door, which will get the most use, arrives in two weeks.
The cheaper, closet door is in-hand.

We’re approaching this project backwards.
We won’t decide how to use the workshop until it’s completed.
We’ll add enough electric, heat and lighting, but need to marinate in the space for inspiration.

We both feel the pull to build it first and trust that the use will come to us after.

We used the same process on a major wall in our basement.
We built the space to accommodate five posters that would document key moments in our life.
We didn’t know what the posters would be, just that we’d figure them out later.
That story is linked below.

There are many possibilities when you walk through a door.
Sometimes you know what awaits, sometimes not.
Sometimes it’s someone else’s door, sometimes it’s yours.
The options are many but all lead to a deeper realization.

You can trust that it all works out.



What's On The Cover of Your Life?


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