The Cabal's Litterbox

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By Mike Johnson

If you’ve owned a cat long enough, you don’t have to see the turd to know they pooped.

The smell is distinctive.
You have daily experience with the litterbox scoop.
Your physical senses, experience, and mental discernment all align and give you 100% clarity about the situation.

The odor tells you what happened without having to verify every detail.

The attempt on Trump’s life has the same odor.

Video exists of the Secret Service eying a shooter for over 5 minutes without taking him out.
They waited until he started firing, then killed him with a head shot within five seconds.

They waited for him to shoot.
Then they killed him so he couldn’t tell who hired him.

An unprotected roof, so close to the president, is against all Secret Service protocol.
Especially with multiple citizens, police and Secret Service snipers watching the suspicious shooter a good 26 minutes before he shot.
This wasn’t an accident or incompetence.

The Secret Service ALLOWED Trump to be shot.
They were part of the plot.

That’s the odor.
That’s all you need to know.
Someone in the devil’s cabal that runs the federal government obviously dropped a turd on Trump.

Being a citizen detective/researcher, I enthusiastically explore the details too.

Videos of the event imply a second shooter a bit farther out than the one they killed.
Trajectory angles, acoustic forensics, crowd reaction and witness statements already conflict with the developing government narrative.
I’ve investigated enough political, celebrity and mass killings to detect the odor of government.

The patsy is painted as a lone nut.
He suicides or is killed onsite.
Dead men tell no tales.

Meanwhile, the real killer(s) are spirited away.
Inconvenient questions are never answered.
The questioners are labeled as conspiracy theorists.
The real plotters are never exposed, only smelled.
Another crazy lone gunman.
Case closed.

Not this time.

The cabal that runs our federal government obviously, openly tried to kill President Trump.
Their Secret Service was in on it.
So somebody in higher authority plotted and ordered the murder.

The stench of their litterbox fills the air.
There’s a turd in there for sure.

The only questions are, how many?

And what are we going to do about it?

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