Live In Sanity

Meme created at

By Mike Johnson

Man’s mind is limited by the level of his hunger to ingest new information.
Man’s evolution is limited by the level of his courage to challenge what he already knows.
Man’s decisions are limited by the accuracy of his discernment of the information presented.

Lacking this hunger and courage and discernment, the mediocre mass of men remain mental midgets.
This makes them easy prey for the manipulating maniacs that run the world.

Because there are so many limited minds, being a member of the mass of manipulated men looks “normal.”

To them, it's more important to conform than brainstorm.

This herd of haziness and laziness believes the most ridiculous things, never questioning the credibility of the information or the people who teach it.

Some absurd beliefs:

Jobs are the best way to earn income.
College is the best way to learn income skills.
Government is a force for good.
Wars are justified.
America is always the good guy.
Vaccines are safe and effective.
Credentials prove competence.
Authority knows best.
Cell phones improve your life.
Cities are the best place to live.
Diversity is strength.
Media broadcasts what you need to know.
Saving is smart.
Abortion isn’t murder.
Taxes aren’t theft.
People aren’t evil.
The majority knows best.

All these beliefs severely limit lives.

Bad information, bad life.
Good information, good life.

Hunger. Courage. Discernment.

These are all necessary to leave the herd and blaze your own, better path.

It’s an insane world.
Your challenge is to hold tight to your sanity.

Somebody is the smartest person in the room.
With just the smallest portion of independent sanity, that person will be you.

You're not a sheep.
Stop letting them pull the wool over your eyes.

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