Drive the Green

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By Mike Johnson

Jack Bartlett was just 16 when he scored a hole-in-one on a 511-yard par-5 at Wentworth Falls Country Club in New South Wales.
Instead of taking the typical three shots to get to the green along the dogleg path to the hole, Bartlett just drove across the distance diagonally, directly toward the green.
His amazing shot made him the youngest person to ever score a “condor,” which is 4 shots under par on one hole.

This out-of-the-tee-box thinking can be applied to your par-5 career.

Most people take the same three dogleg career shots to “get to the green.”
Public school, college, job search.

This gets them to the green (income), but still requires two more shots – savings and decades of time -- to complete their par-5 retirement.

Instead, you can skip college, jobs, saving, and decades of time, and just shoot directly “to the green.”

Just BUY a business or income property that is already generating lucrative income.

There are thousands of these properties for sale right now.
The right ones generate enough income to pay a manager, all operational costs, and throw off enough income to pay two mortgages and all of your monthly personal bills too.
With one good property you “drive the green” and gain time and financial freedom in months rather than decades (or never).

After decades of playing the income game like everyone else, we wised up and applied this strategy using trailer parks.

We found a fixer-upper with a motivated seller who just wanted out.
The bank said it would finance 70% of the appraised value based on the park's existing income.
So we convinced the seller to finance the remaining 30% on a second mortgage.
We bought the 32-unit park with just $1,000 down.

It immediately earned $3,000 per month positive cash flow after paying all park expenses and two mortgages.
After six months of managing the park ourselves, improving units, upgrading bad tenants and increasing rents, income increased enough to hire a manager.
Now we were free from any work schedule and 90% of the day-to-day landlord issues.
We just managed the manager, which took only a few hours a week.
The park kept improving, eventually earning $8,000 per month.

Over the years, we bought two other parks in similar fashion, each with their own manager, greatly multiplying our returns.
This gave us 100% financial freedom and 90% time freedom.
We started late but were mostly retired by age 52.
In 2020, we sold the last parks and still collect payments from the buyers.

By driving directly to the green, we shaved 13 years off the retirement journey and gained far more income than we would've ever earned by traditional jobs.
I only wish we'd started sooner.

Like anything worthwhile, there is a learning curve.
But this learning is far faster and more exciting than college because the payoff is so enormous.
It’s also far cheaper because you set the curriculum by studying people who have already achieved what you desire.
Your only expenses are a few books, research reading time, talking time with bankers, sellers and achievers, and travel to visit properties.

The world is filled with people following the same tortured, dogleg path of “conventional wisdom” in every topic.
Yet, the most common way is rarely the best way.

The green is right THERE.
You can see it from the tee box.

Why not take the direct approach?

Drive the green.

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