Where Did the Towers Go?

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By Mike Johnson

The F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter jet started development in the early 1970’s.
Its secret development, funding and construction was hidden from the American public until late 1988.

This is just one example of the government using citizens' taxes to fund a new, secret technology.
At least with the F-117, we were finally told of its existence (15 years later!) and then got to see it in action.

Ever since, an array of insider whistleblowers have revealed that the American government hides a long list of incredible technology from citizens.
They can generate electricity wirelessly, from thin air.
They can power your car with water.
They can cure cancer quickly, in many ways, including sound frequencies, mind power and existing, inexpensive over-the-counter vitamins and pills.

They could make our lives easier, cheaper and healthier but they refuse to share their secrets with the masses.

Which brings us to 9/11/01.
When passenger planes appeared to hit the twin towers that morning, the explosions, holes and fires seemed to match up to the collisions.
Watching the towers burn for an hour, brought us halfway down the scale of horror that ended by witnessing their collapse.

Yet, architects, structural engineers, metallurgists and scientists by the hundreds all say their collapse was impossible.

Worse, a third tower, WTC7, collapsed later that afternoon.
It had not been hit by ANY plane at all.

Judy Wood, Ph.D., a professor of mechanical engineering, scientist and materials expert, knew something was drastically weird when she saw the towers fall.

They fell straight down, within their own footprint, at free-fall speed, with no pancaking of floors piled up, pulverized into dust on the way down, leaving a pile of debris that was less than 10% of the material they were constructed with.

There was not one toilet (3,000 in each tower!), sink, telephone, filing cabinet, desk, chair, or light fixture left in the debris.
The 110-story towers were missing 90% of their size and mass.
They’d been turned to dust during their 10-second fall to the ground.

This violated physics and all known forms of destruction.
Not fire.
Not nukes.
Not thermite.
Not demolition.

To Judy, this wasn’t just a disaster, this was the world's weirdest crime scene.
With 90% of the evidence turned to dust.

Her 2005 book, “Where Did the Towers Go?” has been called “the most important book of the 21st century.”

Judy proves that planes could not have brought down the buildings.
This proves that the government’s NIST report is a lie. A coverup. A false narrative.

She doesn’t know what brought the buildings down or how they were brought down.
This needs to be determined before concluding who is guilty of the crime.

But she makes a very compelling, deeply-researched, case for Directed Free-Energy Technology.
By studying the testimony of first responders, survivors, high-resolution color photographs and debris, evidence points to a manipulation of sound, frequency, vibration and light to instantaneously separate solid matter at the molecular level into particles the size of dust.

This of course, would be a shocking, devastating weapon.
A secret weapon.
Just like the F-117, a STEALTH weapon.

I highly recommend her book.

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Dr. Judy Wood Website Has High-Resolution Photo Slide-Shows Explaining the Mysterious Collapses


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