That Voice in Your Head

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By Mike Johnson

If the inner voice in your head is you, who is doing the listening?

If the listener in your head is you, who is doing the talking?

These two questions cut right to the heart of earthlings’ core problem.

You have no idea who you are.

What does this ignorance manifest?

Every single feeling, action and outcome in your life.

If you blindly accept the words that pop into your head, you have no control of anything.

At any random moment, this unvetted, unchallenged voice can make you feel horrible, think or say terrible things, feed addictions, cause disease and make bad decisions.

Just who the hell does this voice in your head think it is?

It’s nothing, yet so close that you think it's "you."
It has no power unless you give it.
Most do this by default.

It’s just a muddy river of random thoughts that flow through your mind.
Nothing forces you to watch the river, let alone grab a thought and make it “yours.”

Mentally detach.
Stand on the shore.
OBSERVE the muddy river without getting wet.
None of those thoughts are yours at all!
Let them stream by.
Do not grab any of them.

The real you is the grabber.
The decider.
As decider, you realize that grabbing any muddy thought starts a muddy chain of manifestation.

Any grabbed muddy thought causes a muddy feeling.
Which causes a muddy action.
Which causes a muddy consequence.

This is the chain that manifests everything in your life from your shoes, to your income, to your spouse, to your physical and mental health.

Look at anyone’s life and you instantly see how they’ve managed – or failed to manage – this chain.

Letting this chain occur on its own by inattention and auto-pilot, gets the same result as an unvetted geographical border.
Without control, any undesirable, defective criminal can enter and create havoc.

Earthlings fail to realize that their life is won and lost every single instant.

Without an alert mental gatekeeper on guard every second, the chain of thought/feeling/action/consequence launches random mudslides of manifestation that chaotically flood all aspects of your life.

This is why the devil's media outlets are experts at planting random thoughts in your head.
They know most people have no idea they can proactively tune them out.
They know that people busy manifesting mud are weaker, broken and easier to control.

But those with the awareness to control that muddy river, silence that noise and find peace.
They enter that magical space of proactive manifestation.

In this space, YOU launch clean, wholesome, worthy, specific, empowering thoughts that create empowering feelings, actions and outcomes.
You control the chain from start to finish.
You’re doing the talking, you’re doing the listening.

Now you’re the boss.
You’re the creator.

This is who you REALLY are.



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