Who Inspires the Inspirers?

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By Mike Johnson

Inspiration is the great multiplier.
Convincing people they CAN do something is far more valuable than teaching them HOW to do it.
Inspiration provides belief, which is the fuel that propels people through the tasks required to achieve.

No activity in life creates more positive ripples than inspiration.

Your physicality limits what you can achieve yourself.
But inspire others to achieve their own mastery, and you’re a piece of everything they achieve.
And everything the people they inspire to achieve.
Ripple after ripple, outward and outward, forever and ever, amen.

The best way to inspire is to live a life worthy enough to inspire yourself.
Then document your processes.
Clarify what occurred.
Repeat and amplify those best processes.
Become the best version of you.
Others will now naturally notice your light.

Now freely share.
And become a part of their achievement.
Launching more and more positive ripples upon the pond of humanity.

Once you become an authentic inspirer, you easily recognize other inspirers.
Their wattage is as obvious as Dorothy stepping from her black and white home into the land of Oz.
Now you’ve graduated into the big leagues of inspiration.

You put your ripple-producing on steroids.
You search out bright-light inspirers.
And purposely inspire them.

Now you're contributing to every positive ripple you launch, they launch, and everyone down the chain launches.

No other activity on earth will ever produce more positive ripples than inspiring the inspirers.



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