I Reject Your Premise

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By Mike Johnson

I rarely watch any mainstream media.
Which gives me perspective and clarity when I do.

During the vice-presidential debate last night, this was the opening question:

"Earlier today, Iran launched its largest attack yet on Israel. But that attack failed thanks to joint U.S. and Israeli defensive action.
President Biden has deployed more than 40,000 U.S. military personnel and assets to that region over the past year to try to prevent a regional war. Iran is weakened, but the U.S. still considers it the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, and it has drastically reduced the time it would take to develop a nuclear weapon. It is down now to one or two weeks time. Governor Walz, if you are the final voice in the situation room, would you support or oppose a preemptive strike by Israel on Iran? You have two minutes."

There are seven lies in that opening question.

1. Iran’s attack did not fail. Israel suffered damage and deaths from Iran rockets that Israel could not defend.

2. Biden did not deploy troops to stop a regional war. He deployed troops to protect Israel, which is STARTING wars.

3. Iran is NOT weakened, especially since Biden returned billions of dollars of frozen assets to Iran.

4. Iran is NOT the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, the United States is. By a factor of 100.
Our military spending is more than the next 10 largest militaries in the world, COMBINED. And we freely, cavalierly use it, like a bully, anytime we like.
The CIA especially, actively, diabolically, works to overthrow governments (even our own) every day of the week.

5. The US has NOT reduced the time for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.

6. Iran’s nuclear weapon development is NOT down to one or two weeks. Iran already has at least five nuclear bombs and likely many more.

7. Israel has already made MANY preemptive attacks on Iran and its neighbors. So implying the next one would be the first is a lie.

This is the level of deception the mainstream media has the gall to spew.
All with arrogance, unbacked assertion and unearned authority and confidence.
And that was just the first question!

The two women running the debate continued the massive lies, adding a large dose of bias, for the rest of the night.
They should be ashamed, not arrogant.
In exchange for money, they’re prostituting their integrity for the devil’s cabal that is destroying us all.

Had I been on that stage, the first sentence of my every answer would start, “I reject your premise…”

Then I would share the truth and the source of that truth.

But that’s not allowed in this world because it takes the conversation outside the boundaries of acceptable narrative.
It leads to information sources that are not approved by mainstream media.
So it leads to being painted as a radical, extreme, crazy, conspiracy theorist.

So to avoid that, truth is never discussed.
Everyone pretends to be the deepest thinker while staying within the boundary of what’s approved to say.

Screw that.

If you want truth, you have to go where truth lives.
OUTSIDE the approved narrative.

Because the narrative is ALWAYS a deception.

Anything run by the cabal (which owns all the mainstream media) is always going to be deception.
If truth was fully exposed, 8 billion humans would immediately eradicate every member of the cabal.
Their crimes against humanity are that bad.

If you truly want to know why your life is so difficult, it's because nearly everything you've been taught is a lie.

You arrived with an empty head at birth and the devil's cabal has been filling it ever since.

Your life will never improve until you improve the quality of your information.

There's only one way to do that.

Reject their premise.


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