Quest For Shelter Too In-Tents

By Mike Johnson

As a kid, my bellwether inflation data point was tents.
A basic two-person pup tent was $29.99. This price never changed.
Even then, I thought that was great value for the money.

I took that tent to the top of the Bighorn Mountains. I was proud and amazed that I could lawfully erect my own house in such a spectacular location. For thirty bucks and a sleeping bag, I enjoyed a homestead that competed with the richest people alive.

Humans are driven to claim their own space. If it’s got permanent walls and a roof, we call it a “house.” That becomes where we “live.”
Now we have a place to eat, sleep and store our stuff that is private from others. This is where we relax. Let our hair down. Chill out.

Ironically, the reason we need to chill out is because houses are so damn expensive that we have to cast ourselves down with the sodomites all week to earn paychecks large enough to pay the mortgage.
After a steady schedule of that, of course we desperately want a private retreat away from the masses.

What came first? The stress or the mortgage?

Shelter should not cost 30 years of labor. It should not be a status symbol. It should not be the central preoccupation of life.

And we certainly should not tolerate government pencilnecks taxing our very homes under threat of seizure.

There are many forms of shelter. There are many ways to live. Unfortunately, we tend to take our cues from everyone else. So we only see their ways. Which are rarely the better ways.

Yesterday, my local Bomgaars flyer offered a beautiful, 5-person tent for $49.99.

Last year in America, the average price of a home was $349,000.

Certainly there are many other shelter options in the range between $50 and $349,000.

If aware, you’ve already critically thought this through.

If not, I hope this gets your a-tent-shun.


More: Would You Pay $79,000 For This Barn?


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