The Gravity Song

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By Mike Johnson

Her hair was dark
As they lifted from the park
Trusting French maiden
Gondola basket laden
This fall would leave a mark.

His tongue was forked
The truth was torqued
But piloting the air
Made him seem debonair
But it hid that he’d soon uncork.


Hot air rises
Gravity’s just disguises
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
Gravity can only be
If there's density about buoyancy.


A breeze tipped her glass
The wine spilled en masse
The candle toppled next
This flight was now hexed
Flames erupted next to our lass.


Hot air rises
Gravity’s just disguises
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
Gravity can only be
If there's density about buoyancy.


Debonair was a wreck
Hopping about fiery deck
He’d just bought the balloon
Hoping she’d swoon
A fake pilot who paid by bad check.


Hot air rises
Gravity’s just disguises
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
Gravity can only be
If there's density about buoyancy.


He plunged through the basket
They'll be no open casket
As the ground grew bigger
She reached for the trigger
The blast valve was able to task it.


Hot air rises
Gravity’s just disguises
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
Gravity can only be
If there's density about buoyancy.


As she slowed her descent
She learned what buoyancy meant
Both gravity and her guy
Had been a big lie
Today no ground she would dent.


Hot air rises
Gravity’s just disguises
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
You’ll never be free
'til you really want to see
Gravity can only be
If there's density about buoyancy.



Why Is The Sky Blue?


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