The Fear of Money

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By Mike Johnson

I haven’t worried about money for two decades.
Yet I still shiver recalling the angst of those days when I did.
Gratitude is the elixir that returns equilibrium.

We think too small. I know I did. Somehow, it’s easier to sell things as an employee than it is to sell things for yourself as an entrepreneur.
But overcome that fear and your world explodes to enormous new possibilities.

It really comes down to self-worth. I remember cowering to the thought, “Who am I to ask these people for money?”

I had to learn how to convince myself before I could ever convince others.

So I listed all my skills. This was potential value I could offer others in exchange for money.

Then I ranked these skills in priority order based on which I enjoyed the most.

Then I looked at the aspects of the world that needed my skills.

Then I paused and studied my fear of asking for money.

I realized that money seemed such a big thing to request because I never had enough of it. Then I realized that not everyone thought that way. Especially employees at companies who were spending someone else’s money. They were far less concerned about money than gaining their desired results. If I could convince them I’d deliver the results, money was no big issue.

Then I brainstormed ways to provide far more value than the money I was asking. I made the offers so attractive the prospect could not rationally say no. But more importantly, it convinced ME that I was doing the prospect a FAVOR by making the offer. This turned my “selling” into “sharing.” It took all the pressure off.

This line of thinking worked in our snack business. In the newspaper we started. In my freelance writing. In our trolley tour company.

Money is a big deal to individuals. It’s a small deal to companies.

Selling our ideas and services to companies developed the self-worth and experience to sell to individuals. Which we did at our mobile home parks.

Money is just a form of exchange. It's not an impenetrable barrier. Money is just a gateway that forces the personal growth required to claim a bigger life.



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