Smothered By the Worser You

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By Mike Johnson

The better you is smothered by the worser you.

If you could read minds, you’d become a recluse too.
Most people have such little control of their minds, it’s as if the devil himself has become a roommate.

The self-talk in these minds is overrun with judgement, ignorance, insults, profanity, hatred and filth.
This makes people believe they ARE that self-talk.

It’s no wonder people are fearful, ashamed, confused, timid and defeated. Why they operate at a fraction of their capacity.

Just because a river of thoughts flows by your mind doesn’t mean they are yours. Where do they come from? Are they even credible?

You have the authority to gatekeep. To vet. To disallow entry.

Thoughts only become yours if you embrace them. This can happen by purpose or by default.

The inattention and unawareness of default is destroying you.

The better you is smothered by the unvetted, worser you.

This worser you isn’t you at all! It’s just a conglomeration of random thoughts.

The REAL you is the one with the power to do the selecting.

So how do you reinstall the real you as gatekeeper?

You start your day with contemplation. Introspection. Meditation.

You calm your mind. You quiet the chatter. You clear the mechanism.

You’ll physically feel this. You’ll buzz. Lighten. Rise. Expand. Clear.

You’ve restored your mental dominion to the better you.

Now you move through your day, moment-by-moment, as this aware, gatekeeping, higher capacity, better you.



I Can Read Your Mind

How To Avoid Trouble


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