By Mike Johnson
The insanity, it burns.
With the slightest perception and perspective, it’s easy to see through the illusion of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is presented as a safe & effective way to keep your money away from the devils who run the world’s financial systems.
In reality, it is nothing, posing as something, that’s a devil-owned Trojan horse designed to draw money away from the purchase of physical gold and silver.
Other than real, physical goods, gold and silver have been the only “real” money for the past 4,000 years.
These metals meet all seven characteristics required for sound “money.”
Stable value.
Bitcoin fails all seven of these characteristics.
It is held by a third party, requires electricity, the Internet and an encryption key to access.
It's not physical.
It can't be put in your pocket.
You can't divide it without the electronic network.
It’s value fluctuates by as much as 10% per day.
It cannot be used in most common transactions.
Yesterday, Bitcoin’s “value” exceeded $101,000.
Valuing electronic digits in dollars is also foolish.
Now you are using two units of measure that each have zero intrinsic value.
In 1971, 35 dollars would buy a physical ounce of gold.
Yesterday, an ounce of gold cost 2,665 dollars.
This shows the dollar has lost 99% of its purchase power.
Bitcoin was created to divert dollars that would otherwise have gone to buy physical gold and silver.
The higher the price of these precious metals, the more obvious it becomes that US dollars are worthless.
If the two TRILLION dollars invested in Bitcoin, were instead invested in physical gold, the price of gold would cost 10,000 to 50,000 US dollars, per ounce.
If that two trillion was invested in the much smaller physical silver market, silver's price would be $1,000 to $5,000 per ounce.
The US dollar would REALLY be revealed as worthless, hyperinflation would explode, and the global financial system would collapse.
So Bitcoin is a scam to hide the truth of the situation.
But that doesn’t change the truth.
The US Dollar IS worthless, hyperinflation SHOULD be exploding, gold and silver should be priced much higher, and the world’s financial system IS massively insolvent.
Only keystroking trillions of new dollars from thin air keeps the system operating.
Which steals more of the purchasing power of the dollars you already own.
It's a vicious circle that is only gaining speed.
They have keystroked so many trillions of dollars from thin air that they have run out of places to stuff them.
This is why stock prices are so insanely high as compared to underlying sales and profits.
This is why they started selling "paper gold" and "paper silver" that are only backed up by one ounce of physical metal for every 750 ounces sold.
All of these scams will soon revert back to their true value – somewhere between zero and 25% of their existing price.
Only physical gold and physical silver are real money.
Only real goods, in your own home, are secure in your possession.
The largest money transfer in the history of humanity will suddenly teleport from the masses, to the devils running the system.
When the devils run everything, you can't trust ANYTHING.
This is why you must hold your wealth in your own possession.
If you can't touch it, you don't own it.
Mathematically, the music MUST stop.
Most have no idea it's imminent.
Most will never understand what happened.
Just the way the devils planned it.
2/13/25: Bitcoin Only Created to Divert Money Away From Physical Gold & Silver
12/21/24: 24 Reasons To Doubt Bitcoin
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Central Bankers Have Used Their Power to Keystroke Trillions From Thin Air to Become the Largest Owners of 75% of All Corporations in the World: Monopoly: Who Owns the World? (Free 60-minute documentary)
By Mike: Silver Lining to Financial Hurricanes
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