By Mike Johnson
According to United Nations sources, on earth, 7,000 people die every hour and 15,000 are born.
Run that math and that is 192,000 net population gain per day.
Multiply that times 365 days equals just over 70 million population gain per year.
With the 8 billion population we’re told, this represents a growth rate of less than 1% per year.
This is the same annual growth rate experienced in Park County, Wyoming over the past 30 years.
Look around.
Park County doesn’t look over-populated to me.
Especially outside the towns of Cody and Powell.
A 1% growth rate in the 31,000 population Park County is just 310 people per year.
Park County is huge, reaching all the way to Mammoth in Yellowstone.
Have you ever looked out the window when flying across America?
There are a thousand times more empty acres than populated acres.
Some non-mainstream sources say there are nowhere near 8 billion people on earth.
They say this is the devil’s lie to make us look more common, less unique and valuable, and more like an infestation than a blessing.
These self-researching citizen journalists have added the published populations of the world's largest cities and calculate there are less than 3 billion people.
This brings us back to globe earth.
If we are on a globe, land is finite.
Resources are finite.
Climate is finite.
So, the leaders who control our realm are always warning of lack.
Always browbeating people to use less.
Charging the highest rates for electricity, gasoline and food.
Always blaming people for “destroying the earth.”
But never themselves, of course.
Worse, these leaders are hiding technology that would easily solve all the “problems” they have fabricated.
But if we live on a flat plane, surrounded by an ice wall, on a huge plane with other "worlds" surrounded by their own ice walls, then land, sea, resources and climate are infinite.
If this flat plane exists, then “aliens” are merely people from other civilizations outside our ice wall.
They are not billions of light years away in space, they are only thousands of miles away in the “outer space” beyond our ice wall.
They live in the extra-land, making them extra-terrestrials.
There is evidence we already trade with these other civilizations beyond our ice wall.
Ship-tracking services regularly show ocean vessel beacons 900 miles inland on Antarctica, with no water passage on the map.
China has invested billions developing a port on a small Pacific island in the middle of nowhere that only makes sense if it is serving customers in the outer lands.
As private citizens, we are not allowed to explore beyond the Antarctic ice wall ourselves.
So we have to trust other sources of information to form our beliefs.
I choose non-mainstream sources and my own discernment and observation powers.
The proven liars in “authority,” running mainstream media, “science” and “education,” have long-ago lost all credibility.
If you still believe them, you just haven't researched deeply enough.
I recommend you abandon mainstream information sources, and use your own God-given power of discernment and your own critical-thinking skills.
Pick any topic, look at it more deeply, and you'll soon realize it is far different than it's publicly presented.
Once you realize the devils in charge boldly lie about where we live, you realize they are lying about everything else too.
15,000 People Are Born Every Hour
30 Quotes That Show Elites Think Humans Are a Plague Upon the Earth
World Population is Less Than 3 Billion
"Universal Disclosure" Free 45-Minute Documentary Offering a Unique View of Our Reality
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