By Mike Johnson
Writing can do much more than entertain.
It can inform.
But most important of all, it can manifest anything you imagine.
Most writers never dip more than a thimble from this ocean of power.
Words on a page pale in comparison to words on your life.
Rather than begging an editor or publisher to approve the distribution of your divine imagination, you can stamp it deeply into the very fabric of reality yourself.
Self-publishers know this.
Contrarians know this.
Entrepreneurs know this.
The enlightened know this.
You were created by God himself.
Given a body and a mind and a soul free and clear.
In God's own image.
Given dominion over earth.
Ordered by God himself to go forth and multiply.
Just what are you multiplying?
As a writer (or a human), you have the authority to research anything, interview anyone and become an expert on anything.
You can then leverage being an expert to create value for others that can manifest anything you desire.
Fully-engaged writers use their words to manifest adventurous, fascinating, inspiring lives and then use their writing skills to share how they made it happen.
Now your work is more than art.
It’s a template for others to follow, who desire what you’ve achieved.
A valuable template that far outlives you.
Value-laden writing manifests its own eternal life.
You can write for fun.
To entertain.
To clarify your own thoughts and aspirations.
You can write for money.
Directly for hire, or to attract and manifest all the components of a successful, profitable new company.
You can write to discover your soul.
To attract your soulmate.
To build your relationship with God.
Or you can apply your research and writing skills for others.
Write to stop sickness, addiction, mental illness, ignorance.
Stop human trafficking.
Stop tyranny.
Stop war.
Write to raise billions for any worthy cause.
We’re ALL authors.
The question is, authors of WHAT?
Look at this blessed, vast ocean of opportunity you’ve been gifted.
Now look at the thimble you’ve been dipping with.
Can you summon the courage to upgrade to a Dixie cup?
A 55-gallon drum?
An oil tanker?
When I stand in front of my creator, giving an account of what I did to multiply the talents he loaned me, I want to share a worthy story.
Like all stories, mine will be constructed with words.
The same words that I've used to construct my writing, and construct my life.
The same words that you're using today.
Are you writing timid, safe and small?
Snap out of it!
You're an AUTHOR.
GOD's author.
Write like you MEAN it.
Write like you KNOW it.
Write like you ARE it.
Write your BEST life.
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