Connect Your Words & Work to a System

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By Mike Johnson

Like an axe cuts a single tree, a chainsaw cuts an entire forest.

If you’re a writer, the words you write are an axe.
But connect those words to a system, and now you’ve created a chainsaw.

For example, I used my words to start a free, 5,000-circulation community newspaper.
Now I had a money-making system.
Every issue was a bus with a number of advertising seats.
By selling an ad, I filled another seat.
When all the seats were full, I’d greatly increased the harvest from the value of the words I wrote for each issue.

I did the same with the trolley tour company.
The words I wrote for the 60-minute tour had axe-amount of value.
But since the trolley was a literal bus, each ad I sold in the trolley and our tourist guidebook, combined with each tour ticket sold, greatly multiplied the harvest from the value of my original tour words.
The trolley business turned a tour script that I'd written once, into a perpetual money-making system.

I increased this concept significantly with trailer parks.
I wrote the pitch letter to the banker and seller that earned their agreement to sell the park at a discount, with only $1,000 down.
Those words gained me a mostly-passive money-making system.
Every lot or trailer home I filled with renters, added more income harvest.
Every small, annual rent increase letter, was multiplied by my number of units, increasing the monthly harvest, while also increasing the value of the park by a factor of ten times the increase.

The words you write, or the work you personally perform, are an axe.
You move through life harvesting one tree at a time.
But connect those words or work to a money-making system, and you've created a chainsaw.

To harvest an entire forest, instead of a single tree, connect your words and work to a money-making system.

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