Yes, The Lies Are That Big

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By Mike Johnson

Democrats everywhere were shocked to their core watching Biden’s debate performance.

They were total believers of the information they received in their mainstream news bubble.
These mainstream media outlets built an intricate structure of unreality about the strength, intelligence and clarity of Joe Biden.
This was all revealed as a massive lie after 90 seconds of watching him perform live.
This proved he was a fragile, incompetent, dementia patient.

The only reason these democrats were shocked is because they were so deeply fooled.
They trusted the wrong sources.
They did not discern lies.
They did not do any independent, non-mainstream research themselves.

Yet, they were so smug and arrogant and certain they were right, because their information bubble kept echoing the lies back to them.

These gullible and intellectually-lazy people doubt their own minds and trust authority instead.

This makes them the biggest fools on the planet.

The size of the media’s lies about Biden provide a valuable lesson if these democrats have the courage to look deeper.

Mainstream media lies about EVERYTHING.
Mainstream media is owned by the devil’s cabal.
They only tell you what they want you to know.
They omit anything else that you NEED to know.

When I say everything, I mean everything.

From your education, to your health, to your finances, to the daily news, to our system of government, to the best ways to earn income, to who you really are and where you really live, their systems of deception are enormous.

The devil cannot erase God’s miraculous creations, so he has created deceptive earth systems that hide them.

Like the Truman Show, everything is fake to nudge you in certain directions.

Democrats were nudged to support a dementia patient as president.
To believe tens of millions of fake ballots were legitimate.
To believe January 6 was an insurrection rather than a government-created ruckus to hide the fact they’d certified a fraudulent election.
That climate change is real.
That racism by whites holds down blacks.
That unassimilated diversity is good.
That open borders are humane.
That abortion is moral.
That men can be women.
That JFK was killed by Oswald, rather than the deep state.
That 911 was performed by terrorists in airplanes rather than the deep state with energy weapons.
That we actually flew to the moon rather than making a series of fake movies.
That NASA and space are real rather than Computer Generated Image (CGI) and money laundering operations.
That giving leaders more money and power will fix more problems.

The list of enormous lies is endless.

Everything the democrats and the gullible think they know is wrong.
They got their information from the devil's cabal and never questioned it.

Worse, they defend this wrong information as if it is their own.

The bigger the lie, the easier it is to believe.

Normal people cannot conceive telling such enormous lies so think no one can.

Evil people do not think like normal people.
Evil people may not even BE human beings at all.
They certainly have little or no conscience.
Do they even have a soul?

The Biden reality shock is an opportunity for those asleep to the cabal's giant lies to wake up and start noticing them.

The world we are publicly presented is far different than its reality.

The truth is, thanks to God, underneath all the devil's lies, the world is far BETTER.

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Proof there is a global cabal in this free 60-minute documentary: Monopoly: Who Owns the World? (Teaser: the same people who own mainstream media own the vaccine companies)

Why the Lies?

The Truman Show

Video Montage of Cabal's Media All Using the Same Script


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