The Sun of God

Meme freely shared on Internet

By Mike Johnson

God’s sun is described in Genesis 1:14-18.
The movement of the sun is mentioned 67 times in the bible.
The movement of the earth is mentioned zero times.
In fact, the earth being anchored and immovable is mentioned MANY times.

[1:14]And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years,
[1:15] and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth."

[1:16] God made the two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars.
[1:17] God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth,
[1:18] to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness.

Rough calculations using geometry from angled sun’s rays show the sun is 3,000 miles or less from earth.
It looks the same size as the moon because it IS the same size as the moon.

The sun doesn’t set by dropping below the curve.
It merely moves farther away than the limit of our eyesight, which causes darkness where it departs and light where it arrives.
Like a ship sailing over the horizon, both the ship and the sun come right back into view with a magnifying camera.
There is no curve to drop below.

Seasons are caused by the sun skewing its circle over earth on a regular schedule.
These skews reduce heat and length of daylight in the areas where the sun left, allowing colder, darker seasons.

The moon also circles above the flat earth plane on a regular schedule and route.

Eclipses occur when the moon crosses our view of the sun and when an unidentified dark mass crosses the moon.
This mass is still a mystery.
It is never mentioned other than falsely claiming it is the shadow of the earth crossing the moon.
Eclipses have occurred with the sun and moon clearly visible, with impossible eclipse alignments, at the same time in the sky.

We do not live on a spinning ball.

Our “scientists” tell us the earth is a globe spinning 1,000 miles per hour, orbiting the sun at 66,000 miles per hour, moving with our solar system at 500,000 miles per hour and blasting along with our galaxy at a million miles per hour.
Yet we feel none of this movement and we’ve seen the same stars for thousands of years.
One of them, Polaris (the North Star), never moves an inch.

The devil’s cabal runs all large earth systems.
We’re taught the globe earth lie to hide where we live and who we are.
The devil wants us to believe we are small and insignificant.
If God built a terrarium world for us, it shows we are large and important.
A terrarium also proves there is obviously a powerful creator.

The globe earth lie hides God, it hides our importance and it hides extra land that exists beyond the Antarctica ice wall that surrounds our oceans.
Flat earth is a fascinating rabbit hole that is easy to verify by your own senses and observations.
Once you learn the truth about the sun of God, it’s a small step to believe in the son of God.

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My Own Curvature Experiments

Why the Lie?

The Vatican's Genesis (1:6-8), Proving We Live Under a Dome

List of Bible Verses That Show a Flat Earth & Dome


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