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By Mike Johnson

Perhaps you notice it most at the grocery store.
Someone is stealing your money.
In big handfuls.

What used to cost a dollar two years ago, now costs $2.
Or $3.
Or $4.

It’s not the grocer that’s stealing it.

It’s the devil’s cabal that runs the world.

These people have gained the unlawful power to print and keystroke money out of thin air.
The more money they create, the less it is worth.
Prices are only rising because it takes more and more melting dollars to buy the same goods.
This cabal is nothing more than filthy counterfeiters clothed in prestigious positions and pinstriped suits.

How do we let this stand?

In the 1700’s, counterfeiters were immediately executed.
In the 1800’s, horse thieves were lawfully shot.
In the 1900’s, Bonnie & Clyde were sprayed with 100 bullets for robbing banks.

In the 2000’s, bankers are now openly robbing us.

The theft has reached exponential portions because the central bankers now own the governments and their enforcers.

Each year, US government leaders spend two trillion dollars more than they take in.
A trillion dollars is a thousand billions.
A billion dollars is a thousand millions.
So two trillion dollars is two million millions.
Divide that by 258 million citizens over the age of 18 and you get $7,800 for each person.

The US government is counterfeiting $7,800 per US adult, EVERY YEAR just to stay solvent.

This is why prices keep going up at the grocery store – and everywhere else.

The thieves who create the money get it first – before it has stolen purchase power -- and get it without any work at all.
You get it last – after it’s lost purchase power – and have to trade massive amounts of time, work and life force to receive it.

If you’re personally mugged in an alley, you can lawfully kill the robber dead in self-defense.
But because the robbers are clothed in authority and suits from afar, you’re expected to bend over and peacefully take it.

This is why government leaders deserve no respect and no obedience.
They are massive thieves, using the trappings of authority we delegated, to live large while making our lives financially impossible.

This is why enforcers deserve no respect and no obedience either.
They are being paid with our stolen money to protect the thieves and enforce their thefts.

Unless the leader or enforcer is screaming the truth about the scams to the public, they aren’t just working a job, they’re protecting and enabling the thieves.

Keep this in mind every time your grocery bill makes you want to punch someone.

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