Step Away

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By Mike Johnson

Step away from something you love.

Pattern. Routine. Habit.

These are the biggest jailers in life.

Even if you love them.
ESPECIALLY if you love them.

In the moment, saying yes to one thing is the same as saying NO to everything else.

Whatever gets your attention, gets YOU.

Did you make the right choice?
Was it worth the trade?

As a Gemini, I want two of everything.
I see choice and opportunity everywhere.
Selecting one thing is difficult for me.

Especially things that require regular attention or attendance.

I love freedom too much to ever be trapped again.

As my research provided clarity and certainty, I started dropping activities that no longer matched my values.

Due to their wokeness and covid policies, I dropped the lifetime habit of following Major League Baseball and the National Football League.
I could no longer reward their bad behavior with my money and attention.
But this was 60 years of pattern, routine and habit.
I’d built my basement around comfortably watching these sports.
These sports connected me with my childhood cultural upbringing.
They were a major topic of conversation with friends and relatives.
They were a major memory bank in my head.
They were something I deeply loved, so it was deeply painful to step away.

Then I was censored and kicked off LinkedIn due to making verifiably-correct comments about covid.
Over seven years, posting articles and commenting there had become a major part of my day.
I was joyfully socializing, interacting, advising and mentoring.
I was a big deal there so it boosted my self-esteem being an asset to 6,000 followers.

Then I sold our trailer parks and fully retired.
That felt freeing but also blasted another large hole in my daily routine and social circle.

But I was never more free.
Never more filled with clarity and perspective.

To fully understand something, you have to step away from it.

Detachment is like an aerial view of your neighborhood.
Once you let go, you rise higher.
From that view, you easily see how everything connects.

Today, I clearly see that wokeness and covid were purposely created to destroy society.
I clearly see that sports fandom is promoted to distract citizens from supervising the governments that are now actively destroying us.
I clearly see that jobs are the #1 way the devil’s cabal steals our time, talents, taxes and temperament.

Watching from the clean slate of passive income, no debt and no work or social schedule, I see that the cabal purposely hides this clean slate perspective from everyone.

They don’t want people to have time to look for life choices not pushed by the cabal.

Once free of their matrix, the world is revealed as totally different than we’re taught.

For starters, there is a God, we’re a piece of God and because of that, we’re far bigger than what we imagine.

We’re eagles, able to soar in the heavens, but trained to walk in the dirt and swear at the sky.

You only gain this higher perspective by stepping away from something you love.

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