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By Mike Johnson

I’m holding an 1878 Morgan silver dollar.

The heft is impressive.
The art is beautiful.
The .77 oz of silver makes me feel like a sultan.
The patina screams 146 years of age.
The wear reveals extensive travel and thousands of stories.

In monetary terms it’s worth about 50 bucks.

But I’ll never sell it.
For the reasons above, the intangible value of the coin is far greater than $50.

Earning our own digital and paper money provides many valuable intangibles.

When we work for money, we’re really working for what that money provides.
Gaining clarity about which aspects we value most, squeezes the most reward from our efforts.

Over a lifetime of work, my fixation hopped all over that list.
As my self-esteem and confidence grew, I demanded more for my efforts.

It's like placing a "mint" on your pillow.

Luxuriating in time and freedom now, I’m both proud and humbled by the journey.
I missed so many opportunities.
But I seized quite a few pretty good ones.
Driven by day, introspective by night.

God blessed me with the refusal to settle for less, and the perspective to stop at enough.
He granted the vision to see opportunity everywhere, and the discernment to determine which were unworthy of the effort.

I stopped once I’d earned enough money to coast through the last years of this lifetime.

Had I kept replicating my proven systems of generating income, I’d have millions to give away.
But that is only the money itself, not the valuable aspects that chasing it provides.

So instead, I offer gifts of far greater value.
Advice gained from experiencing the journey.

I gift you the "silver dollar" perspective and the how-to.
This has heft.
Intrinsic value.
Aged patina.
Experience and stories.

Go ahead and enjoy money, yes.
But enjoy the chase for it more.

One day you'll evolve beyond the chase, feel the cool breeze of coasting on momentum, and help others shorten their journeys.

That dear readers, feels like holding an 1878 GOLD coin.

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