Slight Circulatory Problem of the Head

Screen shot from the movie "Dave"

By Mike Johnson

In the 1993 movie “Dave,” the president has a massive stroke, in mid-stroke, on top of a pretty secretary.
His lookalike had already publicly left the hotel to hide the tryst.

Rather than alerting the vice president, the chief of staff and his communications director tell the country that the president has suffered “a slight circulatory problem of the head,” and would be back to work in a few days.
The country bought it.

These two unelected staffers now become the “real” president, send the vice president overseas, and extend the job of the lookalike to act as president in public, under their orders.

Life imitates art and we find ourselves living the same plot line today in real life.
In fact, it’s been the same plot line for the past four years.
With multiple lookalikes and multiple masks.

In the early 1990's, a CIA employee visited the oval office to meet with President Bush senior.
This person was wearing a high-tech, precision mask, making her look like someone else.
The president never noticed until she took it off in front of him.
The president’s security didn’t notice the mask either.

Bush was astonished.
As the former head of the CIA, he was delighted to have such a great weapon of disguise in the American spy toolkit.
This was thirty years ago.

Imagine how much better the masks are today.

There is a rabbit hole of information and photos proving “Joe Biden” is wearing a mask at many different events.
Some say the real Joe Biden died years ago.
Some say he died last week in Las Vegas.
Some say he’s on his deathbed right now.

No matter, it’s now open and obvious that “Joe Biden” hasn’t been in charge for years.
His staff, his vice president and the White House press pool have been hiding this from the public.
Hidden others, without lawful authority, have been running the executive branch of the federal government.
This is treason, which is an executable offense.

Because in the law, fraud vitiates everything, nothing this federal government has done the past four years is lawful.
So it is all null and void, negated, having no lawful power of enforcement or legality.
It was all fraud.

Which frees every USA citizen from obeying any of it.

You are lawfully, 100% free of the federal government.
The legislative and judicial portions of the federal government also have their own frauds that nullify them.
Especially their fraudulent stealing, coverup and certification of the 2020 falsified election.

Fortunately, we do not need a federal government.
It’s all owned by We the People so we can do with it as we please.

America has been overthrown by actors and criminals.
But fraud vitiates EVERYTHING.
So there is no lawful requirement to comply.
With ANY of it.

Look into it yourself.
After just a few hours of research outside mainstream media, you’re going to fully realize that you’ve been fooled.

But don't beat yourself up too hard.
Most people were fooled and everyone awakens at a different pace.
And you really weren't yourself.

You've been operating with a slight circulatory problem of the head.

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