The Devil's Paper

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By Mike Johnson

You can only counterfeit so many trillions before everything financial implodes.
The devils running our world just purposely, sadistically, twisted the dial labeled “financial pain.”

This could be them tipping over the entire board before it collapses on its own.
Or, it could be them slamming down values so they can swallow a few more easy trillions from terrified sellers dumping assets at more reasonable prices.

Either way, the financial system is the devils' manipulated machine, doing exactly what they desire, whenever they desire it.
If you don’t lose it all today, your total loss is still coming.

Unless you immediately withdraw it all and convert it into real, physical assets and goods.

Your banker may be a nice guy.
His boss may be a nice guy.
But the guy at the top is either a devil himself or his entire operation is vulnerable to loss to the devil.

“Your” money in your account is GONE.
They’ve taken it, spent it, invested it in over-valued paper assets.
All you have is a statement saying they owe you money they no longer have.

Those stocks and bonds you own?
That 401K or pension?
They’re merely a promise to pay you something that has already been pillaged.

What can’t be paid, won’t be paid.

The devils took your REAL money and replaced it with paper.
Only 3% will get their real money back.
These three percent are the people who take it NOW, before the music stops.

It would’ve been better if you cashed out last week when values were higher.
But you were intellectually lazy.
Too trusting of the devils in suits and suites.
Now they’ve slammed you.

If you’re felling lucky, you might sit tight and hope values return.
But you risk them falling farther. And farther.
Into the abyss of nothingness.

The devils will tell you to hold tight.
Your financial planner will tell you to hold tight.
Your greed will tell you to hold tight.

Will it recover?
Only the devils know.
But they won’t tell you.

If nothing else, the devils have shown you how dangerous they are.
And you were foolish enough to let them hold your life savings.

There have been a thousand warnings.
Millions already knew the devils were devils.
This is another warning.

Will you finally see the truth of the situation now?

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