Congress Shall Make No Law...

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By Mike Johnson

Rebekah Massie, articulate, educated citizen, lawfully spoke to the city council of Surprise, Arizona (video linked below).
Things went well until she mentioned the contract for employment for the city attorney.
She voiced her opinion that he was overpaid and not performing several specific duties, including prosecuting election fraud.
The mayor interrupted, became agitated, produced an unlawful list of meeting rules, and ordered a cop on duty to escort her out of the room.
She was then issued a notice of trespass.

The meeting rules, removal and the trespass order were obvious violations of her first amendment rights.

Here is the exact text of the First Amendment in the US Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The mayor was far outside his authority when ejecting the citizen.
The cop was far outside his authority for obeying the mayor’s unlawful order and for writing an unlawful citation.
Both could be sued and with an honest judge, forced to pay damages or worse.

Both the mayor and the cop should be fired for overstepping their authority.

This is the “business suit tyranny" that is occurring all over America.
Government officials are violating the limits of their authority, and their constitutionally-ignorant enforcers become the henchmen that perform the hands-on dirty work of pushing citizens around.

Government officials and their enforcers arrogantly think they are superior to citizens.

This is the exact opposite of reality.

The state and federal constitutions clearly state the limits of authority that citizens have DELEGATED to government.
NOTHING outside those limits is lawful.

So government officials are LIMITED to a small list of authorities and NO MORE.
Citizens CREATED government. Citizens are their boss. Master. Employer.

The video of the event will likely make you angry.
It should.
The woman’s 10-year-old daughter witnessed her being manhandled out of the room by the cop.

But this is a very clear example of government and police overreach.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

If you’re a government official, it shows you what NOT to do.
If you’re a cop, it shows you there are times to say NO! to unlawful orders (or quit the job entirely).
If you're a witness to such bullying, it reveals how few have the courage and clarity to speak up and defend the victim (nobody did!).
If you’re a citizen, it inspires you to hold your ground, like Rebekah Massie, and refuse to comply with arrogant leaders and enforcers.

But most of all, it should push you to finally READ your state and federal constitutions so you learn the LIMITS of what your government and its enforcers can lawfully do.

Once you learn that, you too, have the clarity and confidence to refuse to comply with any of their unlawful, arrogant demands.

Large groups of educated, confident citizens are tyrants' worst nightmare.

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Video Clip of Arizona Meeting Ejection (Miss Massie introduced 50 seconds in)

Enforcers Are Not Heroes

How to Immediately, Peacefully Remove Leaders Who Violate the Constitutions


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