Political Magicians

Meme that's freely shared on the Internet

By Mike Johnson

I watched the debate last night.
And immediately recognized the con.

The split-screen camera shot had President Trump on the left and Kamala Harris on the right.
I do not grant her the title of “Vice President” because she did not lawfully earn that office.
She participated in a fraudulent election and fraud vitiates (negates) everything that follows.

This makes Kamala an imposter, a liar, a criminal, a traitor and a key member of the devil’s cabal.

As a 2024 candidate, she never received one vote from citizens, she was INSTALLED by the cabal.
Installed, because the current imposter, usurping the office of President, has obvious dementia.
Which Kamala fully realized and kept hidden from We The People.

So putting her on the same stage as President Trump, who earned his office (twice), gave her “legitimacy” that was not deserved.
That the powers in charge selected this criminal clown as their “candidate,” proves this country has been overthrown by unelected devils.

Kamala’s appearance in that debate is ridiculous on its face.
Four months ago, her party wanted to dump her because she's hopelessly stupid and inept.
She was dead weight.
Then Abra-Cadaver! She's suddenly alive!
It’s a clown show that is so far off the rails you just have to shake your head at their audacity.

But that’s the magic.
The cabal knows she’s a turd.
So they place her next to a real President, hoping to make you believe she belongs.
They order their cabal media to praise her as if she’s legitimate.

For some reason, human laziness or the devil's black magic, people still listen to the cabal-owned media, even though the media are caught spewing enormous lies every single hour.
But because they smile, wear suits and smoothly read scripts on national television (another magician’s trick) media personalities appear important and legitimate.

But mainstream television “journalists” are merely actors, like Kamala, reading someone else’s words.
Someone else’s LIES.
Their intelligence is as low as Kamala’s.
They stain the integrity of their souls for money.

I reject the very premise that Kamala Harris belongs on that stage, on that television, or in that office.
In a country of 340 million people, you’re telling me she is the best candidate the democrats can produce?

No. She is the ONLY candidate they could produce because their 2020 election-fraud, blackmailed, bribery-funded, dementia-ridden selection, self-destructed before the end of his term.
Forced to adapt on the fly, Kamala – who they wanted to dump just a few months ago – is being gaslighted by the cabal as a brilliant candidate.


Luckily, those with critical-thinking discernment realize magic doesn’t exist.
It’s all just an enormous illusion.
The bigger the lie, the more it's repeated, the easier it is to believe.

Don't fall for it.

The very premise of Kamala Harris as a legitimate candidate is ridiculous.

That they have the guile to push this nonsense tells you exactly how stupid they think you are.

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