Mister Softee Solutions

By Mike Johnson

Remember this?

They're still in business & they sell the trucks & products & territories so you can go into business for yourself.

There are many ways to earn income.

BUYING an already proven business or business concept is a good alternative to starting something yourself from scratch.

Buying proven, producing income properties works too.

Instead of costumes, commutes & conscription to calendars, you could control your own calling & craft.

Owning your own income stream is the most physical security you'll ever gain on this planet. There are ways to buy these income streams with little money down.

Imagine squaring up to Monday, grabbing it by the shoulders, looking deep into its eyes & declaring, "I negate you, sir!"

Once you've overcome the time & money problem, life looks so bright you'll catch yourself whistling the Mister Softee jingle for no apparent reason.


"Big Lives Cost Little Money"

"Mike's Million Dollar Letter"


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