Government is Nothing

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By Mike Johnson

Property taxes are voluntary.
The government has no lawful authority to collect them, let alone sell off your home if you do not pay.
But like every other government scam, it’s been “normalized” and “legalized,” to appear as if it’s legitimate.

If you go back to common law and the founding principles that were used to write the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution, you see that property rights are the bedrock of all other God-given rights.
If government can restrict, tax or take your property, then they are stealing your use and ownership of it.
Which means you don't really "own" it at all.

As usual, government has vastly exceeded the limited authority we granted it.

Let’s start with what the US supreme court says about property taxes today.

They still allow (unlawfully) that counties CAN sell a citizen’s home to collect an unpaid tax bill, but can ONLY keep the amount of the tax due.

In a recent Minnesota case, the county sold a woman’s condo to collect a $15,000 unpaid property tax bill.
The condo sold for $40,000 and the state kept the extra $25,000.
The woman sued for the difference and the case rose to the supreme court.
The supreme court said that keeping her equity was unconstitutional, because it was taking private property without proper compensation (14th amendment), so the state was ordered to refund the difference to the property owner.
Supreme Court Property Tax Ruling

By this ruling, the supreme court exposed Minnesota as unlawfully stealing hundreds of millions of dollars of citizen’s equity in this manner for decades.
Every state in America is now subject to this ruling.
Which means most, if not all states, have unlawfully stolen billions from citizens for decades.

Here is the reality of our situation nakedly defined:
States and counties can openly violate the highest law of the land (the US Constitution), until some outside, superior force (in this case, the supreme court) makes them stop.

Most citizens who had their equity stolen thought it unfair or unlawful – and they were right – but the states and counties steamrolled them with policy, fake law decrees and brute force.

Until they were forced to stop.

The supreme court still enables the unlawful collection of property taxes today.
Just because they are “supreme” doesn’t make them right.
Or lawful.
The constitution is the highest law of the land.
The supreme court is just an interpreter of that law.

Thankfully, we do not need them.

Any citizen, being superior to government, has the authority to read the constitution themselves, interpret the common language and determine what is legal.
They can then decide to pay or not pay property taxes.
They do not need lawyers or courts to make this decision.
Just like the states and counties, only a superior force can stop that citizen from doing whatever he does.

A study of common law and founding principles reveals that government restricting, taxing and/or taking private property was never “legal.”
What they do in reality however, is different and unlawful, being far outside their limited authority as delegated by citizens.

Over the centuries, complexity, confusion and judicial bullying has hidden what is simple and starkly true.
Government only exists with the consent of the citizens.
As master, we tell government what to do, they do not tell us.

We can lawfully alter government or abolish it at will.

In the meantime, as individuals, we can decide what interpretation of law is correct, no matter what government says.
Just like the states and counties did when they unlawfully stole billions of dollars of citizen’s excess equity for decades.

God is our master, not government.
God gave us sovereignty over earth.
God gave us freedom and God gave us individual liberty.

Citizens are the master of government.
We delegated very few authorities to government and no more.
We kept every other authority for ourselves.
We are totally free, but government is heavily shackled by constitutional chains.
Constitutional chains written by CITIZENS.

No government can lawfully take ANY property or individual liberty away without our consent.

God is our master and government is our servant.

Government is nothing, pretending to be everything.

What you do with this information determines who you believe is YOUR master.

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North Dakotans Are Voting to END Property Taxes

Property Rights & the Constitution

No Taxation Without Representation

Feed Yourself, Starve the Beast

Hoodwinked: The Illegal Taxation of Private American Homes

A US Supreme Court Case Challenging Home Taxation

US Government Multiple Times More Tyrannical Than King George Ever Was


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