Consider this... Free Inspirational Columns

My name is Mike Johnson. Welcome to my FREE, award-winning inspirational column. My column takes everyday occurrences and ties them to the larger questions of life in a positive, upbeat and motivational manner. Editors and readers find that these columns pleasantly temper the negative news so prevalent in today's headlines.

My copyrighted columns linked below are free for your non-Artificial Intelligence (AI) use. If you'd like to post the columns on your web site, forward the columns to others via email or e-newsletter, or publish the columns in a print or online publication, you can do so free of charge as long as you credit me as the author and include my website ( at the end of each column.

NEW! Click here for 1,000+ FREE ADDITIONAL INSPIRING COLUMNS (Mike's Newest Work!)

Now that you're inspired, it's time to take it to the next level. How inspired would you be if you became rich enough to remove all limits to your personal development? No more money worries. No more health concerns. A career you love, doing the work YOU love to do. No more clashes with people. Deep feelings of constant gratitude.

It's all possible and you can learn how right now, for FREE. Just download "The Science of Getting Rich" . This amazing book is in the public domain posted in its entirety at this link. It is truly a LIFE CHANGING book!

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    Mike Johnson
    P.O. Box 287
    Wapiti, Wyoming 82450
    Voice 307-587-2331