Face the Morning

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By Mike Johnson

I’m the mayor of 4am.
I took the position in 1968.

I was only 11 but nobody else wanted it.
I found this amazing.
During the best few hours of the day, everyone abandoned the world and left me in charge.

For the small price of delivering 45 newspapers, the world was mine.
All of it.

No cars on the road.
No people on the sidewalks.
No humans breathing the air.
Street lights burned just for me.

There was no competition for anything.
I’d stumbled into a parallel universe where the infrastructure remained but the people did not.

As an introvert, this was heaven.

As a competitor, I realized 4am was the greatest advantage in world history.

Every single day, for the past 55 years, I’ve had a two-hour head-start on every other person on the planet.

To think. To imagine. To dream. To research. To contemplate. To plan. To start.

The newspaper route is long gone.
But the cumulative advantage of thousands of 4ams has created a huge gap between me and the mass of mediocre men.

People still haven’t figured it out.

So I’m still the mayor of 4am.
I’ll always be the mayor.

No cars on the road.
No people on the sidewalks.
No humans breathing the air.
Street lights burn just for me.

There is no competition for anything when you start two hours before everyone else.



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There is No Competition


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