Ignorance Wears a Mask

Free use photo turned into meme at imgflip.com

By Mike Johnson

When I see people wearing a mask I have three thoughts.

1. They’re an intellectually-lazy, brainwashed, submissive fool.
2. They’re likely democrat.
3. Perhaps they’re in the 1% of people who have some obscure, legitimate medical reason.

I will never wear a mask again.
I only wore it once during the last pandemic and that was due to a conspiracy of events.

I had out-of-state visitors and we wanted a guided tour of the refurbished gun museum in Cody.
I called ahead to make sure no masks were required.
I was told that was the case, no masks required.
We bought the expensive tickets for the entire group online.

When we arrived, the tour guide greeted me and started apologizing.
She’d been ordered by the museum director to mandate masks to our group.

This put me in a pickle.
My guests were city people, used to wearing masks.
But not me. I’d done the research and knew they were not only useless in stopping covid, they injured the wearer in more than 300 ways.
Yet we were all there, all primed for the tour.
If I declined, it would create an awkward scene and I’d miss the experience with my guests.

The guide knew she’d screwed up.
She knew I wasn’t happy.
She looked the other way as I wore the mask under my nose as a prop during the entire tour.
I felt dirty, like I’d violated my own integrity.
I vowed to never wear a mask again, ever.

It was strange to go about my business maskless in stores.
People looked at me.
I had to read their eyes because the rest of their face was covered.
I broadly smiled because they could not.
I knew things they did not.
I had the courage they lacked.
I was fighting tyranny while they kowtowed to it.
Some eyes showed admiration but most showed disdain.

I was only challenged several times.
My answer immediately shut them up.
“No. I cannot safely wear a mask.”

Occasionally, I’d add, “And neither can you. You might look into it.”

Refusing to wear a mask is the safest, easiest form of rebellion you’ll ever employ.
If you can’t summon the self-education and courage to perform that little gesture, you're enabling the devils who are purposely destroying us all.

It's likely they're going to roll out the same pandemic bullshit they pulled in 2020, but under the guise of "bird flu" or "monkey pox."
They lied last time, why would you believe them again?
They already killed millions and injured billions with their experimental, bioweapon injections.
Surely you're not so intellectually lost that you'll fall for that again?

The difference between me and the devils who run this world is simple.
They're trying to end your life.
I'm trying to save it.

Do some research.
Find some courage.
Refuse to comply.

The tyrants lose once the majority unmasks them as devils.

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Do Not Comply With Covid Crimes

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Masks have been discredited as worthless by 47 studies and HARMFUL by 32 others.
Masks Worthless

Masks Harm You Mentally

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