Your "Reality" is Just Someone's "Content"

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By Mike Johnson

Editorial calendars started with newspapers.
Because the range of topics and interests of readers are so vast, newspaper editors needed a way to get their arms around both.
So they list all possible content categories and schedule articles about them throughout the year.
The content must be engaging, consistent, timely, diverse and valuable to both readers and advertisers.

Now add any random news or current events.

But most content in print media is pre-planned.

August might be “back-to-school” month, delivering features on getting kids ready, attentive, successful and well-supplied.
Advertisers who provide those services are then approached to place ads around this “helpful” content.

Newspapers may have started with their #1 mission to inform, but today, their #1 mission is to sell advertising to survive.
Content is just an excuse to sell ads.

All media and all large companies have now embraced editorial calendars.
They no longer just report news, they CREATE news.

With computers and artificial intelligence, these calendars are so complex, they are plotted with hundreds of topics, scheduled years in advance.
AI is now writing much of the content itself.

At some point – which may have already been breeched – media and corporate communications may be placed on auto-pilot, publishing, broadcasting and communicating with little to no human participation.

Think of it as a perpetual media video game that paints and defines our reality.

A simulation.

This is already likely happening with the stock market.
There may be no moment-to-moment trades at all.
It may all be a giant, pre-programmed video simulation that skims off a percentage for the house.

This world is NOT as publicly portrayed.
Until you get your head around this, you’re just another sucker to be fooled and fleeced.

Imagine the possibile content manipulation beyond news and money.
Public opinion.

Most of what you think you know is wrong.
Defective information, defective knowledge.

Before you give anyone or anything your trust, time, energy, money, emotion, creativity or life force, verify they are real.
They are authentic.
They are worthy.
They are true.

It’s very likely they are NOT.

Once you gain that perspective, decisions get very easy, very fast.
Your life quickly improves.

Now you'll detach from the hive, find your best path and wonder how you could've been so asleep, for so long.

Once you see their content for the falsity it is, you find content-ment.

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