You're Sitting on a Bold Mine

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By Mike Johnson

Twinkle, twinkle, litter ball,
There’s a lion in you all.

You’re purrfect.
But do you realize it?

A miracle is amazing.
Eight billion miracles are eight billion times amazing.

If you have a soul, you’re connected to the whole.

This connection is what makes you purrfect.

You can be ignorant of the connection.
You can ignore the connection.
You can renounce the connection.

But it still exists.

Why go through life believing you’re small, separate and insignificant?
It makes life more difficult.
It causes more pain, poverty and frustration.

Plus, it’s a lie.
It’s an insult to the creator who gifted you the precious soul.

You are wired to fulfill a mission.
You came here for a reason.
Others, including the Creator, are depending on your performance.

Snap to!
Wake up!

Summon your courage, claim your heritage and do what you came to do.
Boldly. Confidently. Directly.
Stop playing small.

You have far more power than you imagine because you are connected to an enormous power you cannot imagine.

Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all else will follow.



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