Human Nature Strikes Out

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By Mike Johnson

The deepest shock of the truth journey is discovering lies in the things you love.
Like sports.

Yes, like wrestling, sports are rigged.
Wherever there is big money, there is big corruption.

Of course it’s not everybody.
But many people, holding positions of authority, sell-out enough integrity to tip the scales.

During 2017, the Houston Astros were caught using a camera and communication system to alert their batters of the upcoming pitch.
This rigged the game to give them more offensive success.
They used the system throughout the regular season, playoffs and World Series before caught.
They "won" the 2017 World Series, beating the Los Angeles Dodgers 4 games to 3.

Many books have exposed rigged performances in the major league sports.
The NFL and NBA especially.
Do your own research.

Human nature has many weaknesses.
Police, judges, social workers, employers and spouses are very familiar with how people act when they think no one is looking.

This human weakness exists in all levels of society.
The weak. The poor.
The rich. The powerful.
The sodomites. The pious.

Until you realize that most people secretly think and behave worse than publicly presented, you'll be a victim of their lies and scams.
Schools should teach courses in human nature, but of course they don’t.
The curriculums are designed by the world’s largest scammers.

There’s a fine line between aware and cynical.
I have crossed this line.

In my BA (Before Awareness) days, I trusted everyone, about everything, all the time.
In my AA (After Awareness) days, I distrusted everyone, about everything, while I noodled out the truth.

At 7-Eleven especially, I encountered one dishonest employee after another.
Shoplifting was only 7% of our inventory shortages.
This was less than paperwork errors which ran 10%.
Employee theft was 83%.

A favorite employee turned the lightbulb on for me.
He always volunteered to bail me out when someone else didn’t show for their shift.
He loved working overtime, which was great for my staffing problems.
I thought it was the time-and-a-half hourly rate that attracted him.
It turns out he was a thief and it was his extra time on the cash register that generated far more unrung “income” than his wages.

He was stealing me blind while I loved him for bailing me out.
My gullible trust met his defective human nature.
I was steamrolled.

Once you’ve been betrayed often enough, or deeply enough, your default switches from gullible to suspicious.

Now I listen to peoples’ words while quietly discerning their deeper angle.
Some scammers are obviously hacks.
Others, smoothly practiced.

You notice I’m no longer talking about sports.

Wherever you find the biggest money and biggest power, you’ll find the biggest liars and biggest scammers.


Because defective human nature knows it's far easier to steal what's desired, than to EARN it.

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