Under Whose Authority?

Meme freely shared on Internet

By Mike Johnson

No one can lawfully force you to do anything.

You were created by God and given dominion over the earth.
God's entire law was presented to man in the Ten Commandments.
Anything that conflicts or adds to that document is the devil’s law, not God’s law.

An intelligent reading of the state and US constitutions reveals that government and their enforcers have so little lawful power as to be impotent.
In America, our government is a self-government, where the government only exists as long as the people consent to its existence.

If you do not consent, even the powers that We The People delegated to government have no power over you at all.

You never signed a contract that vowed obedience to government.
You certainly did not sign a contract of submission with any individual holding a government position.
They do not own you.
They have no moral or lawful authority to write “laws” that force your compliance.

Officials in government are nothing, pretending they are something.

God is your master and no other.

Bow before no man.

Behave morally for sure.
Do not hurt, abuse or mistreat others.
Obey the Ten Commandments.

But submit to pompous, devious, organized criminals who claim authority over you?

Stand behind me Satan!

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You Don't Have To

Enforcers Are Not Heroes

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