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By Mike Johnson

If you don’t start, you’ll never earn your part.
You must leave the chair to get what you want over there.
To grow, you have to GO.

There is never a perfect time.
Except for right now.

You don’t wait for all components to properly align.
All components wait to align until you properly start.

Dreams never arrive with A-to-Z blueprints.
You start by focusing on A.
Once there, B comes into view.
Then C, then D, then E.
Now there’s momentum.
And trust that you’ll be led exactly where you need to go.
As long as you keep moving.

The bigger the elephant, the more bites it takes to eat.
Small bites, consistently nibbled over time, swallow the biggest dreams.

Circumstances don’t make the man.
Man makes the circumstances.
Your spirit is more powerful than physical matter.

Once you firmly decide what you’ll achieve, you’re halfway there.
Obstacles are merely opportunities to learn new skills that advance your journey toward this dream – and every other dream in the future.

Achievement is a game you’re playing against yourself.
Your self WANTS you to win.
But it needs your strength of spirit to force it to start, then force it to keep moving.

Once you’ve arrived at your destination, you’ll learn something amazing.
The reward isn’t the dream.
The reward is becoming the person capable of achieving the dream.
That is inner abundance that can never be lost.

Now you have clarity and certainty that you can achieve ANY dream that is worthy of your time, energy and attention.



On the Inside Looking Out

Where to Start if You Have Nothing


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