Take Off That Head Band

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By Mike Johnson

There is a miraculous power.
It throbs so close to the mediocre mass of men that it goes unnoticed.

It can provide perfect health.
Infinite wealth.
Indescribable bliss.
The deepest truths.
Eternal life.

It’s the human mind.

Thanks to the grace of your Creator, you own one free and clear.

It owns YOU.

Then it can provide pain and disease.
Grinding poverty.
Bottomless depression.
Deception and ignorance.
Eternal frustration.

The trouble is, nobody teaches people how to operate their mind!

Like a monkey pushing the TV remote, there’s no telling what channel pops up next.

It’s a super computer, 3-D printer, fountain of youth, faith healer and fortress of solitude all in one.

It’s also a house of mirrors, belittler, torture chamber, auto-pilot, destroyer and personal hell.

Whatever it’s focused upon, expands.

Everything in your world has its origin in your mind.
From your self-worth, to your shoes, to your job, to your home, to your spouse.

Given such a wonderous gift, with all that power, you’d think we’d spend more time learning how to operate it.

You’d be wrong.

We’re so easily distracted by things outside our minds, that we rarely spend any time IN our minds.

The devil knows this.
Which is why he created the massive systems of deception and distraction all over earth.
And is constantly jamming them in our face.

He knows that without 24/7/365 stimulus and distraction, we might learn that the God-given power in our minds dwarfs the devil’s power by a million.
Then we’d realize we’re not mice.

Thanks to God.

God’s mind created and gifted our mind.

The wisest men have arranged their lives to maximize the exploration and operation of their minds.
Everything we will ever conceive originates right there.
So the best possible use of our time is developing our mental control.

With the world blaring all the time, the best way to gain the needed silence is to physically remove yourself from it.
Schedule a daily date with just you and your mind.
Make it a priority.
The more you master your own life, the more value you have to share with others.

If you’re tired of living as the spawn of distraction, perhaps it’s time to demand the world get its tubas tied.



Solitude Makes You Smarter

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