Free Range Humans

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By Mike Johnson

You don’t need a fence to create a cage.

Free range chickens get to strut and peck outdoors by day, but have an inner instinct to gather together and roost indoors at night.
Farmers, knowing this, give the chickens enough pasture to enjoy their day, but still get to steal their eggs from the coop.
Are the chickens actually free when their life is controlled from afar by the farmer?


The chicken is an unaware slave within the farmer’s system.

The same is true with humans.

You can choose your home, your work, your friends and your interests, but your range never leaves the control of the overlords running earthly systems.
Rules, laws, expenses, taxes, debt, and ever-increasing prices keep you physically confined and producing for the farmers.

Deceptive education, media, social norms and conventional wisdom keep you mentally trapped within a narrow bandwidth.

On a geographical scale, humans are not allowed past the Antarctic border or beyond the firmament dome that holds our atmosphere.

Admiral Byrd said on television that there was another unexplored continent past the Antarctic ice wall that was larger than the United States.
Century-old maps depict our known land masses as surrounded by oceans that are held in by a circular ice wall.
This Gleason flat earth map is commonly displayed in many logos, including that of the United Nations.
Another ancient, 1,000-year-old map shows dozens of other “pond worlds” like ours, existing on an infinite flat plane.

Perhaps this is why the nations of the world – which rarely agree on anything – all agreed to an Antarctic treaty that keeps it off-limits -- preventing private citizens from exploring beyond the ice wall.
They don’t want us leaving the pastures that they control.
They don't want us to discover the edge of the firmament.
They don’t want us to learn we live in a terrarium because that reveals earth is a specific, unique, complex, purposely-created realm as described in the bible.
A creation that proves a powerful almighty Creator.
A Creator far more powerful than the earthly overlords who have claimed “authority.”
A Creator who loves us so much that he built this miraculous world for us.

Like “The Truman Show” movie, a vast infrastructure of deception keeps us in our cage.
Until we summon the curiosity, awareness and tenacity to escape.

Then we discover that we are not mice, we are GIANTS.

But until then, we’re just free range humans, under the control of devils, who are impersonating God.

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