It's Not Daycare, It's Prison

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By Mike Johnson

“You either write your own script or you become an actor in someone else’s script."
- John Taylor Gatto, author of “Weapons of Mass Instruction”

Public education does not teach you to write your own script.

Instead, it teaches kids to submit, conform and obey.
Turn their minds over to authority.
Memorize facts rather than critically think.
Accept the incarceration of their physical body for eight, primetime daylight hours.

Public education grooms kids to normalize a daily schedule of captivity that gives others control of their minds and bodies for the rest of their lives.

Public school curriculum was written by elites to churn out employees and soldiers.
NOT inventors, entrepreneurs and free thinkers.

Free, creative, self-reliant people can’t be controlled.

So the elites created a system that COULD control us, and then MANDATED that kids attend.

Divine, God-created, sovereign spirits were deceived to allow their light be hidden under bushel baskets.
By the devils who first created the system, then fooled the well-meaning teachers who unawarely deliver the poisonous control and curriculum.

Public education is diabolical to its core.

Fortunately, a loophole exists.

30-year public school teacher and author John Gatto calls it “open-source learning.”

Open-source learning is how we trained our kids BEFORE public schools were invented.

It's home schooling combined with self-education and real life experience.

In his book, "Weapons of Mass Instruction," Gatto provides dozens of examples of America’s giants who excelled without public schools and colleges.

Start by opening your wallet and looking at the faces on your money.
All became giants without the grooming of public schools.

Home school.
Real life experience.

THESE have thousands of years of proven results.

Public schools are the “new experiment" which has obviously failed.

It is sweet irony that the failure of public schools teaches the best lesson of all.

If you love your kids, and want them to live their best life, teach them yourself at HOME.

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