Can You Handle Some Barbed Advice?

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By Mike Johnson

If you’re chained to a work schedule, you’re actually a slave.

If you enjoy the work, fine. Good for you.
If you have a positive attitude about it, great. That reduces pain and frustration.
If you advance in responsibility, nice. You’re appreciated and earn more.

But even if you become a trustee, you’re still in prison.
If you win the rat race, you’re still a rat.
If you can’t leave, you’re still a slave.

Jobs are only ONE way to earn income – the most difficult way.
Because time is far more valuable than money, trading your time for money is a bad, bad trade.
Employees are also taxed at the highest possible rates with the fewest legal deductions.

How long will you tolerate begging for raises or time off?
Obey ridiculous company policies and paperwork?
Conform to kooky costumes, coworkers, commanders and calendars?
Donate a free hour or two every day preparing for work and driving back and forth?
Leave the people you most love, for eight primetime, daylight hours, to spend time with people you love less?

Read this mantra fifty times – You don’t need a job, you need INCOME.

There are MANY ways to earn income without being chained to a job or a work schedule.

But it takes self-research and self-discipline to learn these ways.
Every day you fail to push yourself to learn, is one more day in Shawshank with no hope of escape.

Slavery is tough duty.
It slowly kills your soul.
It steals the better, possible YOU from yourself and your family.
You’re worthy of so much more.
You owe that much more to your family and those you influence.

Escape is not difficult, just uncomfortable as you take new actions.
No worse than the discomfort you experience in any new job.
Only this time, your new job is working for yourself.

Rather than making your existing misery more comfortable, instead, why not apply that same energy to escape the misery altogether?

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How to Escape the Rat Race

Where to Start If You Have Nothing

87 Ways to Earn Cash Without a Job Immediately

Perspective of a Free Man


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